compititive entrance examination into the First Yeàr of FOTSO Victor UniversityInstitute of Technology (FV -UIT) 2018/2019

Peace - Work - Fatherland

To launch the compititive entrance examination into the First Yeàr of FOTSO Victor University
Institute of Technology (FV -UIT) Bandjoun, of the University of Dschang and state the required number of places offered for the 2019/2020 academie year ;


On the proposai of the Rector of the University of Dschang;


Article  1 :

A competitive entrance examination comprised of a written part and the study of files for the recruitment of nine hundred and fifty (950) students into the first year of the University Diplorna in Technology (UDT) and Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) of the FOTSO Victor University lnstitute of Technology Bandjoun, of the University of Dschang, has been launched for the 2019/2020 Academie Year.

Article 2 :

(1) The examination is organized in one sitting for holders of the Baccalauréat, or of the GCE Advanced Level in at least two specialties subjects obtained in one sitting, or the holders of an equivalent of one of the above mentioned certificates signed or recognised by the Minister of State, Minister Higher Education.

The holders of the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE/AL) authorised to sit for the exam are those who have obtained at least four subjects at the GCE Ordinary Level in one sitting, excluding religious knowledge.

(2) Are concerned to sit for the exam in the domain of sciences and Technology, «Terminale» students both scientific and industrial, series: C, D, E, MA V, MEM, IT and F as weil as Upper Sixth Science students (Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry).

(3) Are concerned to sit for the exam in the domain of Management and Commercial Sciences, holders of ail Baccalaureate series (Arts and Sciences) as weil as General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE /AL) holders.

Article 3 :

The required  school fees are:

Fifty thousand (50 000) francs CF A, for UDT ;

Two hundred (200 000) francs CF A, for BTS.

Article 4 :

(1)Each file shall comprise the following compulsory  documents:

1.A registration form to be printed during the online registration on the website

2.Transcripts of Form 5, Lower sixth, Upper Sixth for both Scientific and Industrial Students;

3.Transcripts of the Baccalauréat or GCE« A »Level and that of Probatoire or GCE« 0 » Level;

4.A certified photocopy of one of the certificates entitling the candidate to sit for the examination;
5.Four colour passport size photographs  (4x4);

6.A certificate  of non-conviction which is less than three months old ;

7.A certified photocopy of the candidate's birth certificate which is less than three months old;

8.A medical certificate which is less than three months old issued by a Doctor of the Public Service;

9.A stamped self-addressed  envelope (size A4, 400 Francs CFA) ;

10.A pay-in receipt of an amount of twenty thousand (20,000) francs CF A as registration fees. This sum can be paid through EXPRESS UNION, EXPRESS EXCHANGE or MTN MOBILE MONEY on presentation of ticket (bill) downloaded and printed during the online registration.

(1)The form for the registration procedure is also available on the website at the students record and Vocational Counselling Service of FV-UITBandjoun, at the University of Dschang antenna in Nkolbisson-Yaoundé and in ail the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education.

(2)Registered candidates who are preparing for the required certificates examination shall be authorised to sit for the competitive examination on awaiting results.

(3) Only candidates with complete files shall be authorised to write or compete for the entrance. For more information, you can write to us through the e-mail

Article 5 :

Holders of foreign diplomas shall submit either the equivalence or the receipt showing that they applied for the equivalence of their diplomas or certificates issued by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education. However, the final admission of these candidates shall be confirmed only on presentation within the limit set by the competent authorities of the text granting them equivalence.

Article 6 :

Complete application files shall be deposited at the Students Record and vocational Counselling Service of the FOTSO Victor University Institute of Technology (FV-UIT), the Dschang University antennas at Nkolbisson - Yaoundé, Ebolowa, Bafia and in ail the Regional Delegations of Secondary Educaton, latest 31 "september 2019 for both level degrees.

Article 7 :

The competititve  entrance examination  shall comprise, for both qualifications (UDT and BTS) :

  • a written examination
  • an assessment  of the candidate' s previous acadernic record.

Article 8 :

The written examination shall take place in the following dates and centres:

1-[or the entrance examination into the tirsl year of UDT programme,

02ndof August 2019, in Bamenda, Bandjoun, Bertoua, Buéa, Douala, Ebolowa, Garoua and Yaoundé;

2-  {or the entrance examination into the fint year ofETS

06th August 2019,in Bandjoun centre only .

. Article  9 :

The competitive entrance examination shall be launched in the following courses, and in accordance with the number of places available as indicated hereafter:

1-for the UDT courses,


The competitive entrance examination shall be based on the Baccalaureate and GCE AIL syllabus. The written part shall comprise the following papers:

*Sciences  and Technology

-Mathematics  (duration:  3 hours, coefficient 4)
-Physics (duration:  3 hours, coefficient  4)

*Management  and Commercial

General Mathematics, Probability and Statistics (duration:  3 hours, coefficient  4)
General knowledge in Economies Sciences and Management (duration: 3 hours, coefficient 4)

For Selection Criteria, the Written part counts for (80 %) and the Assessment of the candidate's previous academie record for (20 %).

2-for the BTS courses,

The competitive entrance examination shall be based on the Baccalaureate and GCEI AL syllabus of the series mentioned above.

The written part shall be comprised  of the following papers:

*Sciences  and Technology

-Specialty paper (duration:  3 hours, coefficient 4)

-Mathematics  and Physics (duration:  3 hours, coefficient 4).

*management  and Commercial

First paper

Accounting  (duration:3 hours, coefficient  4) for Accountingand Business Management;

AdministrativeTechnics (duration:3 hours, coefficient 4) for Assistant  Manager;

General Mathematics, Probability and Statistics (duration: 3 hours, coefficient 4) for "Marketing, Commerce, Vente","Banque et Finance" and "Collectivité Territoriale".

Second paper

General knowledge in Economies Sciences and Management (duration: 3 hours, coefficient 4) for ail specialties.

For Selection Criteria, the Written part counts for (80 %) and the Assessment of the candidate's previous academie record for (20 %).

Article  10 :

At the end of the deliberation, the admission jury made up of members appointed by the Minister of Higher Education, prepares the list of successful candidates in accordance with the rules in force. The final results is published by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education.

Article Il:

The final admission of the candidates shall be confirmed only on presentation of the Certificate required, within the date line set by the competent authorities.

Article 12 :

The Rector of the University of Dschang, the Director of the University Accreditations and Quality, and the Director of the FOTSO Victor University Institute of Technology (FV -UIT), of the University of Dschang, are each responsible for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever need be.

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