Competitive Entrance Examination into year one of the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL) of the University of Bamenda for the 2019/2020 academic year

Peace - Work - Fatherland

To launch the Competitive Entrance Examination into year one of the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL) of the University of Bamenda for the 2019/2020 academic year

On the proposal of the Vice Chancellor of The University of Bamenda;


Article 1: A competitive entrance examination into year one of the Higher lnstitute of Transport and Logistics (HITL), of the University of Bamenda, for the 2019/2020 academie year has been launched in the following Departments:

Maritime  Transport.  100
Land Transport.  150
Transit  and Logistics.   150
Customs.  70
TOTAL.  470

Article 2: (l) The examination shall be organized in one sitting to candidates holders of 2 GCE AIL papers or Baccalauréat of adequate series or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education in addition to 4 GCE O/L papers including English Language and Maths or Economies and excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire with a pass in English and Mathematics. However candidates who did not pass English at OIL could be admitted after passing in the intensive English course organised by The University of Bamenda at the beginning of each Academie Year;

(2)The table below shows the required diplomas or certificates a candidate must have to be qualified to register for the common entrance in a given Department.



Maritime Transport 

•Minimum 4 GCE O/L papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics. Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academie Year is accepted for candidates who faile GCE Ordinary Level English.

•Minimum 2 GCE AIL papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry series.

Land Transport

•Minimum 4 GCE O/L papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics. Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academie Year is accepted for candidates who failes GCE Ordinary Level English.

•Minimum 2 GCE AIL papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry series.

Transit and Logistics 

•Minimum 4 GCE O/L papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics.
Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academie Year is accepted for candidates who failes GCE Ordinary Level English.

•Minimum 2 GCE AIL papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry series.


•Minimum 4 GeE OIL papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics. Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academie Year is accepted for candidates who failes GCE Ordinary Level English.

•Minimum 2 GCE AIL papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry series.

Article  3: An application  files shall comprise the following  documents:

•A registration form to be collected from the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL) Bambili, Littoral Regional Delegation of Secondary Education (Douala),MINESUP Yaounde, The Veterinary School (ESYM) of the University of Ngaoundere or downloaded from or ;

•A certified printed copv  of the birth certificate dated not more th an six (6) months;

•A certified photocopy of GCE O/L or Probatoire dated not more than six (06) months;

•A certified photocopy of GCE AIL or Baccalauréat or equivalent diploma dated not more than six (6) months;

•Certified photocopies of GCE OIL and GCE AIL or Probatoire and Baccalauréat transcripts;

•A medical certificate which is less than three (03) months issued by a Doctor of the Public Service;

•A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) FCF A as non-refundable registration fees delivered by NFC BANK S.A using the bank codel0025 00032 16201050747-67, by Orange Money, MTN Mobile Money or Expression Union.

•One self-addressed A4 envelope bearing stamps in conforrnity with the regulations in force;

•Four passport size photographs,

•Upon admission, candidates are expected to present an authenticated copy of their certificate by The GeE Board / Office du Baccalauréat.

Article4:  Complete files should be submitted to HITL Bamenda or to The Veterinary School (ESMV) of the University of gaoundere latest August 24th, 2019.

Article 5: The competitive  entrance examination  shall comprise:

1)A written examination  counting  for 70% of the final mark,

2)An assessment of the candidate's previous academie work based on transcript results for 30%.

Article 6:The written examination shall take place on Septembers", 2019 in the four centres of Bambili, Douala, Yaounde and Buea;

Article 7: The syllabuses of the written examination are the same as in the Baccalauréats or GCE AIL corresponding programmes

Article  8: Marks  for each  paper  of the  written  tests  are  ranged from  zero  to twenty. Any candidate who scores less th an five out of twenty shall be disqualified;

Article  9: Questions will  cover General Knowledge,  English and French.

The examination structure is indicated as follows:

Paper 1 (Major)  3 ho urs Coefficient  4: Mathematics  QI Economies

Paper II (Minor) 2 hours Coefficient  2 (General Knowledge), English and French

Article 10: After the test, the jury shall prepare the lists of successful candidates per Department and alphabetical order for publication by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education;

Article II:The composition of the jury mentioned in the above article IS specified by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education;

Article 12:The Vice Chancellor of The University of Bamenda, the Director of University Accreditation and Quality, and the Director of the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HI TL) are, each in his/her own sphere, responsible for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published in English and in French whenever necessary.

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