IRIC Concour: Master of International Cooperation, Humanitarian Action and sustainable Development

Peace  - Work - Fatherland

To open a selection test for admission into the master of INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION , HUMANITARIAN ACTION AND SUBSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, in partnership with the Dipartimento di Ingegnera Civile, Edile e Ambientale de l'Università degli Studi di Padova (DIP.ICEA) at the International Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) of the University of Yaounde Il, for the 2019-2020 academic year.


Article  1: The public  hereby  informed that:

-Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Law, Political Science, Arts, Sociology, Social Scieinces Economies or Management, Environmental Science and civil engineering.

-Holders of any other diploma admitted in equivalence or exemption by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education.

-Executives of public, parastatal or local administrations of charge of cooperation and or development and environmental issues,

That a selection test for admission of 200 (Two Hundred) candidates into the Master of International Cooperation, Humanitarian Action and sustainable Development will be based on the three specializations offered . (International Cooperation and Decentralized Cooperation for Oevelopment (50), Oevelopment Cooperation and Humanitarian Action (100), Environmental Management and sustainable Oevelopment (50) in partnership with the Oipartiment to di Ingnera Civile, Edile e Ambientale de l'Università degli Studi di padova (OIP. ICEA) at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) for the 2019-2020 academic year. The Test shall take place in the unique center ofYaoundeon 17th September 2019 at the unique center of Yaounde.

Article 2: The testin Article above is open to male and female Cameroonians. However, candidates who are workers and foreign candidates shall compete out of number of places mentioned above.

Article  3: The selection  shall be done through  a rigorous  review  of candidates'applications files comprising two phases: the file review by a committee and the interview of preselected candidates by same committee.

Article  4: The application  files include the following  documents:

1.An application  form to be obtained  from the Student  Records  Office  at IRIC or from the

websites of the Ministry  of Higher Education:http// ofIRIC.

2. A certified true copy of the candidate's birth certificate issued not more than three months before the examination date;

3. A certified true copy of the highest certificate incJuding transcripts certified by the competent academie authorities;

4. A medical certificate;

5. A curriculum  vitae;

6. A certificate of non-conviction issued not more than three (03) months before the examination date;

7. A passport size photograph  (4 x 4);

8. A self-addressed  envelope  bearing a 500 FCF A postage stamp;

9. A receipt oftwenty five thousand (25.000) CFA representing the file study fees which is not refundable.

10. A4 envelope  with a 500 FCF A stamp including the full name and address of the candidate.

Article 5: The registration fee for the competitive examination is 25.000 (twenty thousand) CF A francs and payable to the SCB bank, Agency of the 20th May boulevard, opposite MINESUP to account number N° 1 0002 00069 90000231502 72, entitled CONCOURS IRIC CA2D, at SCB zo" May Branch (opposite MINESUP);

. These non-refundable fees are intended to cover the costs generated by the organization of the competitive examination.

NB. : The payment of these fees is subject to the issuance of a receipt by the IRIC Bursar/ Revenue . Manager after verification of the file by the department of studies.

Article 6: Complete files will be submitted to the Department of Studies, IRIC, on Thursday, Septernber 12, 2019 latest 3:30 pm.

Only preselected candidates on file study will be allowed to sit for the audition. They must then report to the halls thirty minutes before the start of audition, with their national identity cards.

Article 7: Teaching  of this Master course shall be both on campus at IRIC and online.

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