Concours IRIC Yaounde 2020-2021 Marketing International Cycle de Master Professionnel

Peace - Work - Fatherland

To launch the competitive entrance examination into the Profesional postgraduate (Masters) Cycle in International Relations Major in INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Option of the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (lRlC) of the University of Yaounde Il, for the 2019-2020 academie year.



Article  1: The public hereby informed that:

-Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Economies or Management, Mass Communication Sciences, Law and Political Science.

-Holders of any other diploma admitted in equivalence or exemption by the Minister of State, . Minister of Higher Education.

That a competitive examination for the recruitment of thirty (30) students for the Professional Master's programme in International Relations, Major in International Marketing at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) is offered at the unique centre in Yaounde ..

Article 2:  The competitive examination includes a written test on knowledge of International Relations and International Business Techniques and a Language test (French for Anglophones and English for Francophones).

Article 3: candidates registered subject to one of the above-mentioned diplomas will only be finally admitted, if they succeed in the competitive examination, when they present the original of the diploma or, where applicable, the attestation at the time of registration set by the Institute.

Article 4: The application files include the following documents:

1) A  completed  application  form to be collected  from  IRIC  department  of studies,  or

from MINESUP websites: http/ and IRIC:

2) A  certified  copy of birth certificate  less than three (03) months old;

3) A certified copy of the highest diploma with transcripts, signed by the competent academie authorities;

4) A medical certificate duly established  and issued  by the IRIC administration;

5) A curriculum  vitae;

6) A certificate  of non-conviction  less th an three (03) months old;

7) 4 4x4 passport size photos with names and surnames on the back;

8) A formaI authorization  to compete from the employer for candidates  who are workers;

9) A receipt of payment of registration  fees for examination;

10) An A4 envelope with a 500 FCFA stamp including the full name and address of the candidate;

Article 5: The competitive  examinationreferred  to in Article  1 above  is open to Cameroonians of either sexes, aged 32 years or less as of 30 August 2019: however, workers and foreign candidates in excess of the quota will be subject to special age and financial conditions

Article 6: The registration fee for the competitive examination is 20,000 (twenty thousand) CF A francs for regular candidates and 30,000 (thirty thousand) CFA francs for candidates who are workers and are payable to the SCB bank, Agency of the 20th May boulevard, opposite MINESUP to account number 10002 00069 9000000231495 93 entitled IRIC/Competitive Examination. These non-refundable fees are intended to cover the costs generated by the organization of the competitive examination.

NB. : The payment of these fees is subject to the issuance of a receipt by the IRIC Bursar/ Revenue Manager after verification of the file by the department of studies.

Article 7: Complete files will be submitted to the Department of Studies, IRIC, on Monday, Septernber 09,2019 latest 3:30 p.rn.

Only candidates with a complete file will be allowed to sit for the examination. They must then report to the halls thirty minutes before the start of each examination, with their national identity cards.

Article 8: The competitive  examination  will take place on Thursday, Septernber 12,2019:

9am-12pm: Written examination on International Relations and International Business Techniques.

2pm-4pm: Written language  test.

Orals:  The date of the oral tests for successful  candidates  will be indicated  at a later date.

Article 9 : The Director of Academie Accreditations and Quality, the Rector of the University of Yaounde II and the Director of IRIC shall each be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be registered and communicated in French and English wherever necessary.

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