MINFOPRA Competitive examination recruitment of 20 Computer Science and Tele-informatics civil servants 2017-2018.

Peace- Work-Fatherland
ORDER N° 004429 / MINFOPRA OF 03 OCT 2017.
To announce a direct competitive examination for the recruitment of 20 (twenty) personnel into the corps of Computer Science and Tele-informatics civil servants, for the 2017 session.

Mindful of the Constitution.
Mindful of decree No. 78/311 of 31 July 1978 on the Special Rules and Regulations of civil servants of the corps of Computer Science and Tele-informatics.
Mindful of decree No. 94/199 of 7 October 1994 on the General Rules and Regulations of the Public Service as amended and supplemented by decree No. 2000/287 Of 12 October 2000.
Mindful of decree No. 2011/408 of 9 December 2011 to organize the Government.
Mindful of decree No. 2011/410 of 9 December 2011 to form the Government.
Mindful of decree NO.2015/434 of 02 October 2015 to reshuffle the Government.
Mindful of decree No. 2012/537 of 19 November 2012 to organize the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
Mindful of decree No. 2000/696/PM of 13 September 2000 to fix the General System of Government Competitive Examinations.


Article 1.

a) A direct competitive examination to recruit personnel into the corps of Computer Science and Tele-informatics civil servants have been announced. The number of available places for the various categories is distributed as follows:
5 (five) Computer Engineers of the second grade of the ‘A’ category of the Public Service.
5 (five) Analysts of the first grade of the ‘A’ category of the Public Service.
10 (ten) Programmers of the second grade of the ‘B’ category of the Public Service.
b) The written part of this examination shall take place on the 4th and 5th November 2017
in Yaounde, the only examination centre.

Article 2.

1. General requirements:
This examination shall be open to all Cameroonians who fulfill the following conditions:
a) Fulfill an the requirements for admission to a public service employment and conditions laid down by the General Rules and Regulations of the Public Service.
b) Be physically fit to assume the duties of Computer Scientist ; Be at least 17 and at most 34 years of age as at 1st January 2017 (born between 01/01/1983 and 01/01/2000).
2. Specifie requirements
For recruitment as Computer Engineers , be holder of a diploma in Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering or a recognized equivalent Computer Studies diploma, issued by a government national institution of training, or by a recognized foreign or international institution of training.
For recruitment as Analysts , be holder of a diploma as Analyst, or any other recognized equivalent Computer science diploma, issued by a government national institution of training, or by a recognized foreign or international institution of training.
For recruitment as Programmers , be holder of a GCE Advanced Level Certificate or GCE A/L Technical or a recognized equivalent general or technical secondary school certificate and a diploma as Programmer issued by
a government national institution of training, or by a recognized foreign or international institution of training.
[9/30, 21:13] Floriflins:
[10/6, 09:04] Floriflins:
Article 3.

Candidates’ complete application files shall be submitted, against a receipt, at the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Department of State Human Resources Development, Direct Competitive and Scholarship Examinations Service (4th floor, Rooms 405 and 409 ) or in an Regional Delegations of the Public Service, Recruitment and Training Service, latest Friday 20 October 2017 . The files shall comprise the following documents:
A registration form bearing a CFA 1 000 francs fiscal stamp. The forms can be obtained from the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform or at all its Regional Delegations or downloaded at the foHowing website address:  www.minfopra.gov.cm;
A certified true copy of birth certificate signed by a competent civil authority.
A certificate of non-conviction.
A certified true copy of the required certificate signed by a competent civil authority.
An attestation of presentation of original of the required certificate signed by A competent civil authority.
A receipt attesting payment of a registration fee of CFA 15 000 francs (fifteen thousand) issued by either the Head of the Direct Competitive and Scholarship Examinations Service (Room 411) at the Ministry or the Head of the Recruitment and Training Service at the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
A medical certificate issued by a public sector Medical Officer.
2 (two) passport-size photographs.
an envelope bearing a CFA 500 francs stamp and the candidate’s address.
• State employee candidates governed by the Labour Code who meet the conditions set out in Article 2 shall provide a copy of their contract or decision of employment.
• AlI incomplete or late files or files containing documents signed by the Police shall be rejected.
• AlI documents should be certified by competent civil, municipal or legal authorities and not more than 3 (three) months old at the time of submission of file

Article 4.

1) . The syllabus for this examination shall be that of the training institutions that have issued the required certificate for application.
2) . The written part of the examination for candidates for recruitment into the grades of Computer Engineers and Analysts shall be scheduled as follows:

Paper TimeDuréeCoef.Eliminatory
04-novGeneral Knowledge8am-12pm4H0205/20
04-novNetworks and exploitation systems. 1pm-5pm4H0405/20
05-novComputer systems8am-12pm4H0505/20
05-novProject management1pm-5pm4H0305/20
3.The written part of the examination for candidates for recruitment into the grade of Programmers shall be scheduled as follows: 

04-novGeneral Knowledge8am-12pm4H0205/20
04-novAlgorithmique et Progammation1pm-5pm4H0405/20
05-novNetworks and exploitation systems. 8am-12pm4H0505/20
05-novComputer Literacy1pm-5pm4H0305/20
4. The latest time to arrive at the examination centre is 7:00a.m. prompt.
Article 5:
[9/30, 21:13] Floriflins:
[10/6, 09:04] Floriflins:
The Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform shall announce the date and timetable for the oral part of the examination through a press release for candidates who have been declared successful in the written part of the examination.

DatesNature des épreuvesCoefHoraire
To be announcedInterview with a panel01As from 8 a.m.
Article 6.

The final results of the competitive examination shall be published through an instrument signed by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.

Article 7·

This order shall be registered and published wherever necessary.

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