Concours FGI of Douala 2017 first year Faculty of Industrial Engineering ( FGI ) of the University of Douala.

Peace – Work – Fatherland

PRESS RELEASE n ° 17 / 00318 MINESUP / SG /DAUQ / SDEAC OF 24 May 2017 .
To lunch the competitive entrance examination into the ( 1 st) first year of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering ( FGI of Douala ) of the University of Douala for the academic year 2017 / 2018 .


1 . Students on waited results may apply.
2 . Holders of baccalaureate of series C , D , E , F and BT .
3 . General Certificate of Education Advanced level Obtained in at least two of the following subjects : applied mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
4 . All equivalent diplomas recagnised by the Ministry of Higher Education , are hereby informed that a competitive entrance examination for the recruitment of 250 ( two hundred and fifty ) students into the first year of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering ( FGI ) of the University of Douala , is launched in Bamenda , Bandjoun , Douala , Garoua and Yaoundé centres . The written examination consists of the following papers , Mathematics and Physics for four hours each . The programme is based on the syllabus of “ Lower” and “Upper ” Sixth of Government High, Technical Schools and Colleges in the following series C , D , E , F and BT and GCE-A / level in ( physics and mathematics ) .
There will be no oral exams .

Registration is done online at : www. fgi - ud .org
The application file of the candidates must contain the following documents:
1 . An individual registration form to be completed online at website : www. fgi-ud . org . The completed form shall be printed accompanied by a 1000 francs fiscal stamp and be duly completed and signed by the candidate .
2 . A certified true photocopy of birth certificate not older than three months .
3 . A certified true photocopy of “Baccalaureate or GCE- A / L certificate or slip in scientific subjects or equivalence diplomas recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education .
4 . A certified true photocopy of “ probatoire” or GCE O / L certificate or slip in at least four scientific subjects .
5 . A medical certificate not older than three months issued by a state medical practitioner testifying that the candidate is fit for higher Education ;
6 . Four ( 4 ) recent passport size photographs of the candidate with names written behind .
7 . An A4 format self- addressed envelope bearing a 400 FCFA postal stamp with candidates’ address on it .
The candidates for the competitive entrance examination into the first year must not be more than twenty nine ( 29) years old on January 1 st 2017 .
Concours FGI of Douala 2017 first year .
The registration fees for the entrance examination is Twenty Thousand (20000) Francs CFA payable at the UBA bank Account n° 0100500000287 of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the University of Douala or through the services of Express Union to the same account in towns where UBA is not present; against a bank receipt which is obligatory included in candidates ’ file .
The registration fee is not reimbursable . It is destined to cover charges generated as the result of the organisation of the entrance examination . 

All complete application files must be deposited at the admissions office of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering ( FGI ) of the University of Douala , B . P . 2701 DOUALA , not later than Tuesday 11 th July 2017 .

Only candidates, who deposit complete application files , will be authorised to write , after a proof of a national identity card duely presented to the invigilator before entering the examination hall .
The written examination will take place on
Sunday the 16th July 2017 in the Centres indicated above .

Good luck

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