Recruitment of medical personnel into the health Service of the Archidiocese of Bamenda

The  Health Service of the Archidiocese of Bamenda is organizing recruitment for the medical personnel in the following areas

  • Gynaecologists
  • General Practitors (GP)
  • State Registered Nurses (SRN)
  • Midwires
  • Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLT)
  • Medical Imagery Technicians (MIT)
  • Assistant Nurses
Interrested candidates should compile and submit at the Archiodicesan Health Coordination Office near St. Blaise Hospital, Mankon, on or before Wednesday, 13 May, 2020 the following documents
  • Handwritten application
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Certificate/ Attestation of Service (where applicable)
  • Photocopy of Baptism Certificate
  • Photocopy of  Birth Certificate
  • Photocopy of National Identity Card
  • Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  • Photocopies of all acedemic and other relevant cerificates

  • Candidates with experience have an added advantage
  • Only pre-selected candidates will be invited for interview

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