Timetable: National Qualifying Examination for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Odontostomatological Training in Cameroon 2019/2020

Press release fixing the timetable for the written papers of the National Qualifying Examination for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Odontostomatological Training in Cameroon.

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces as follows:
The written papers of the National Qualifying Examination for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Odontostomatological Training, September 2019 session, shall be written in the centres listed below and according to the following schedule 

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces as follows:
Candidates of the National Aptitude Examination for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Odontostomatological Training, are hereby informed that the examination will be written on Friday 20 th September 2019 in the different centres as indicated below:

1- Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde 1 for the Centre, East and South Regions;
2- Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua for the Adamawa, Far North and North Regions;
3- Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Douala for the Littoral Region;
4- Faculty of Heath Sciences of the University of Bamenda for the North West Region;
5- Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Dschang for the West Region;
6- Faculty of Heath Sciences of the University of Buea for the South West Region.

Roll call shall be done at 7 a.m. prompt.

They are also reminded that they should only come along with their National Identity Card, the receipt of file deposited and a non- programmable calculator.    

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