Special recruitment of 1500 young people for professional training

The Yaounde-Madagascar Multifunctional Center for the Promotion of Youth Reference (CMPJ.Ref-Ydé in partnership with the Center for Professional Training of Arts and Crafts (CFPAM) Ekounou launches a SPECIAL RECRUITMENT OF 1500 YOUNG - for professional training and capacity building in the following trades: 

ICT (office automation, executive secretary, accounting secretariat, computer maintenance, computer networks, webmaster, application development) 

Audiovisual (Multimedia infographic, audiovisual editing, TV production [shooting, camera, photography, lighting technician]): 

Management (project management and management, human resources management, project planning, accounting and management of companies, computerized accounting and management). 

NB: The courses take place in initial and continuous cycles. 

At the end of the courses lasting from 6 to 12 months. learners will receive diplomas and certifications homologated by MINEFOP and an entrepreneurial accompaniment to open the doors of employment. 

The young people concerned are those aged between 15 and 35 and registered the National Observatory of Youth (ONJ). They will then in the partnership framework CMPJ.Ref / CFPAM. to spend a total of only 30,000 FCFA for all their training. 

The files are received every working day at the CMPJ of Reference in Madagascar and at the headquarters of the CFPAM in Ekounou face entry gasolent no later than August 30, 2019 at 15h.

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