ENSET Concour Into Year One Of The Second Cycle Of The Higher Technical Teacher Training College, (HTTTC) Bambili, Of The University Of Bamenda 2019/2020

ORDER No-1900664/MINESUP/ OF July 10th, 2019

To launch the Competitive Entrance Examination into Year One of the Second Cycle of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC), Bambili, of The University of Bamenda, for the 2019/2020 academie year.



Article 1: A Competitive Entrance Examination into year one of the Second cycle of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) Bambili, University of Bamenda, for the 2019/2020 academie year has been launched in the following Departments:

Article  2. - (1) The examination shall be organised in one sitting for Cameroonians of both sexes, following the conditions stipulated  below:
-Section of Teacher's Grade II 
Candidates must be holders department, or any equivalent Educationof Bachelor's Degree in a field related to the corresponding diploma recognised by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher
-Section of Teacher  Trainers
Candidates must be trained teachers and holders of Bachelor's Degree or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Minister of Higher Education.

(2)Candidates who are not civil servants shall not be older than 32 years old on January 1, 2019. No exemption shall be granted.

(3)The table below shows the required diplomas or certificates a candidate must have, to be qualified to register for the competitive entrance for a given departments and options:

Article 3: The registration procedure and file shall consist of the following:
  • An online Application form to be filled at the web address http://www.htttcuniba-edu.cm/entrance by the candidate;
  • Download  and print out the application  form and the acceptance  slip;
  • Present  yourself at any Express  Exchange  SA branch  nationwide  with the online  application  form for payment
  • Obtain a receipt upon payment oftwenty thousand (20,000) CFA as registration fee delivered by Express Exchange SA. No other form of payment shall be accepted;
  • A certified  true photocopy  of the birth certificate  dated not more than six (6) months;
  • Transcripts  of first, second,  and third years of Bachelor's  Degree  signed  or certified  by the competent academie  authorities
  • a certified true copy of Bachelor Degree or equivalent diploma issued by a competent academie authority dated not more than six (6) months
  • A certificate  of non-conviction  dated not more than three months;
  • a medical certificate  issued  bya  competent  state medical Doctor;
  • One self-addressed A4 envelope bearing postal stamps in conformity with the regulations in force;
  • Two passport-size  photographs;
  • An authorization to sit for the examination issued by the Minister of Basic Education, the Minister of Secondary Education, the Minister of Higher Education for candidates working in those Ministries, or the Minister of Public Service for other civil servants.

Article 4: (1) Holders of foreign diplomas shall submit either the equivalence or the receipt showing that they applied for the equivalence of their diplomas or certificates. The order granting equivalence and the receipt are issued by the Minister ofState, Minister of Higher Education.

(2)The final admission of these candidates shall be confirmed only on presentation within the date limit set by the competent authorities of the text granting them equivalence.

Article 5: Complete files should be submitted to HITTe Bambili campus or the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education latest on Friday, September 13, 2019. The receiving officiaI shall sign the acceptance slip and retum to candidate.

a.A major and minor  paper based on Multiple Choice Questions (70% of the total assessment);

b.Study of files (30% of the total assessment);

Article 7: The written papers based on Multiple Choice Questions  will take place on Sunday, September29, 2019, at 8 a.m. in the following examination centers: Bafoussam, Bambili, Buea, Douala, Ngaoundere and Yaounde.

Article 8:

(1) The distribution of papers per Department and Specialties  is indicated in the following table:

(2)The syllabuses of this competitive entrance examination are the same as the University programs for each specialty.

Article 9: 

(1) Marks for the written papers ranged from zero to100. Any candidate who scores less than 25/10 shall be disqualified.

(2)The academie performance will mostly be based on:
  • the candidate's age;
  • the number of years spent in University for the first Degree;
  • Transcripts of Year I II, and Ill for first Degrees;
  • Transcripts of year I, II, ID, IV and V for Engineers or Master's Degree.

Article 10: The final results shall be published by the Minister ofState, Minister of Higher Education after deliberations bya constituted jury.

Article 11: The composition of the jury mentioned in Article10 above will be the prerogative of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education,

Article 12: The registration fee as stipulated in Article 3 above is nonrefundable.

Article 13: The Vice-Chancellor of The University ofBamenda, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality and the Director of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College Barnbili, each in hislher own sphere, are responsible for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever neeessary.

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