ENS Concour Into Year One Of The Second Cycle Of The Higher Teacher Training College, University Of Yaoundé I, 2019/2020

ORDER No-1900664/MINESUP/ OF July 10th, 2019

To launch the competitive entrance examination into Year one of the second cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College (ENS), University ofYaounde I, and to fix the number of places available for the 2019/2020 academie year.

Mindfulof the Constitution;
Mindfulof Law N° 2001/005  of 16th  April 2001 to set up Higher Education  orientation;
Mindfulof Decree N° 88/1328 of 28th  September 1988 to organise the Higher  Teacher Training College;
Mindfulof Decree N° 93/026 of 19th  January 1993 to set up Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N° 93/036 of 29 January 1993 to set up administrative and academic organisation in the University of Yaounde 1 ;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2005/342 of 10th  September 2005 to modify and to complete certain dispositions  of Decree  N° 93/027 of 19th  January 1993 to set up general disposition for the universities;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2018/190 of 02nd March 2018 to complete certain dispositions of Decree N° 2011/408 of 09th December 2011 to organize the government;
Mindful of Decree N° 2018/191 of 02nd March 2018 to reshuffle the government; Mindful of Decree N° 2019/002 of 04 J anuary 2019 to reshuffle the Government ;
Mindful of Decree N° 2012/433 of 01 st October 2012 to organize the Ministry of Higher Education; Mindful ofOrder N° 19/00054/MINESUP/SGIDAUQ/SDAC/SE of27 February 2019 to organize the calendar for competitive entrance examinations into Faculties, Schools and Institutions of Cameroon State Universities for 2019-2020 academie year
Mindful of Circular N° 004/CAB/PM of 10 February 2000 concerning the a institutions and the recruitment into the Public Service.


Article 1: A competitive entrance examination into year one of the Second cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College (ENS), University of Yaoundé 1 for the 2019/2020 academie year has been launched in the following series:

Article 2: (1) The examination shall be organised in one sitting for Cameroonians of both sexes
following the conditions stipulated below:

-Section of student Teachers of Secondary General Education except the Computer Sciences and the English Modern Letters series

Candidates should be holders of a Bachelor's Degree or Licence corresponding to the series opted for or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Minister of Higher Education.

-Section  of Computer  Sciences

Computer  Science  - Fundamental  Computer  Science Option

Candidates should be holders of Bachelor's Degree or Licence in computer science, or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Minister of Higher Education.

Computer  Science  -Information  and Communication  Technology  Option

Candidates should be holders of Bachelor' s Degree or Licence in Arts and Letters, Bachelor' s degree or Licence in Human sciences (History, Geography, psychology ... ), Bachelor's degree or Licence in Social sciences (Law, Economies, Management .... ), Bachelor's Degree or Licence in experimental sciences (Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Physics), Bachelor's Degree or Licence in Mathematics or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Minister of Higher Education.

- Section  of English  Modern Letters

Candidates should be holders of Bachelor' s Degree or Licence in English Modem Letters, Linguistics, AfricaniEnglish Literature or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Minister of Higher Education.

- Section  of Guidance Counselling

Candidates should be  holders of  a  Bachelor' s  Degreeor  Licence in Science of Education,
Economies, Socialand  Human Sciences, Law,  Political Science or  in Arts, or  any  equivalent recognised by the Minister  of Higher Education.

Section of Teachers Trainers

Candidates should be civil servants of Primary Education and should be holders of a Bachelor's Degree in Science (chemistry, mathematics, physics and biology) or any quivalent diploma recognised by the Minister of Higher Education .

Be holders of a Bachelor' s Degree in Science of Education, letters or in Human sciences 

(2) Foreign candidates may be authorised to sit for the examination in the same academie CQ!l itions and according to the number of places available, in conformity with the regulations in fQ.c .

(3) Candidateswho are not civil servants must not be older than 32 years on January 1st 2019.

Article  3: The applicationfiles shall comprise the following  documents:

Section  of student-teachers of Secondary General Education  and Guidance Counselling

  • A registration form available at ENS, at each examination Centre, on the website of MINESUP http://www.minesup.gov.cm and on the website of ENS http://www.ens.cm
  • A certified photocopy of birth certificate which must not be more than six (06) months old from the date of issue
  • Photocopies of transcripts of levels I, II, and III of Licence or Bachelor' s Degree signed or certified by competent acadernic authorities;
  • A certified photocopy of Licence or Bachelor's Degree or equivalent diploma which must not be more than six (06) months old from the date of issue;
  • A medical certificate issued by a medical officer, from the Administration, testifying that the candidate is physically and medically fit for teaching. It should particularly specify that the candidate does not suffer from serious physiological deficiencies in his diction, hearing, sight and mobility ;
  • A certificate of non-conviction which must not be more than three (03) months old from the date of issue;
  • A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) CF A as registration fees delivered by BICEC account N° 10001-0686-95647265002-11. No other form of payment shall be accepted;
  • One A4 self-addressed  stamped envelope;
  • Two passport-size  photographs;
  • An authorisation to sit for the examination issued by the Minister of Basic Education, the Minister of Secondary Education or the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education for civil servants working in these Ministries.

-Section  of Teacher Trainers

  •  A registration form available at ENS,  at each examination Centre, on the website of MINESUP http://www.minesup.gov.cm and on the website of ENS http://www.ens.c
  • A certified photocopy of birth certificate which must not be more than six (06) months old from the date of issue;
  • Photocopies of transcripts of levels l, II, and III of Licence or Bachelor' s Degree signed or certified by competent academie authorities;
  • A certified photocopy of Licence or Bachelor's Degree or equivalent diploma which must not be more than six (06) months old from the date of issue;
  • A medical certificate issued by a medical officer, from the Administration, testifying that the candidate is physically and medically fit for teaching. It should particularly specify that-the candidate does not suffer from serious physiological  deficiencies  in his diction, hearing, sight and mobility ;
  • A certificate of non-conviction which must not be more than three (03) months old from the date of issue
  • A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) CFA as registration fees delivered by BICEC account N° 10001-0686-95647265002-11. No other form of payment shall be accepted;
  • One A4 self-addressed stamped envelope;
  • Two passport-size photographs;
  • An authorisation to sit for the examination issued by the Minister of Basic Education, the Minister of Secondary Education or the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education for civil servants working in these Ministries.

Article 4 : (1) Holders of foreign diplomas shall submit either a true copy of the ministerial order granting equivalence or the receipt showing that they have deposited an application for equivalence in the Ministry of Higher Education. These documents must be issued by the Minister of State, the Minister of Higher Education. Such candidates can be finally admitted into ENS only if they are granted equivalence for their foreign diplomas or certificates within the date limit set out by the competent authority.

Article 5: Complete application files should be submitted at ENS (Admission Office) latest 13h July 2019 and 06h July 2019 for Regional centres.

Article 6 : (1) The selection through a written examination and an oral test shall comprise the following components:
a)Academie performance (30% of the total assessment)
b)Two written papers (60% of the total assessment)
c)An oral test (10% of the total assessment)

(2)The academie performance will be taken into account after the oral test, for final admission only.

Article 7: The written part of the examination will take place on Sunday, July 28th 2019 in Bafoussam, Buea, Douala, Ngaoundéré and Yaoundé. The distribution of papers per series is indicated in the table below:

(1)The syllabuses of the competitive entrance examination which are the same as those of the Bachelor's Degree or Licence shall be published by ENS.

(2)The grading of each written paper ranges from zero to twenty according to the above-mentioned coefficients. Any score below five on twenty is eliminatory.

(3)The jury shall publish the list of successful candidates in the written papers per series and in alphabetical order. These candidates shall proceed with the oral test.

Article 8: The oral test which is only for successful candidates in the written papers shall take place
exclusivelyin Y AOUNDE.Questions will cover two areas namely,  General Knowledge and Bilingual Training. The oral test aims at assessing the candidate's ability to communicate in French and English in general and in pedagogie communication in particular.

Article 9: The academie performance will mostly be based on:

  • the candidate' sage ;
  • the number ofyears spent in the University for the First Degree;
  • -transcripts oflevels l, II, and III of Licence or Bachelor's degree in the area of specialization and grades.

Article 10: After the oral test, the jury shall prepare the list of successful candidates per series and by order of merit. The final results will be published by the Minister of State Minister of Higher Education; Successful candidates cannot, under any circumstance, postpone their registration to the following academie year.

Article 11: The composition of the jury mentioned in article 10 above shall be specified by the Minister of State, the Minister of Higher Education in conformity with the rules and regulations in force.

Article  12:Registrationfee is non refundable.

Article 13: The Rector of the University of Yaoundé 1, the Director of the Department of University Accreditations and Quality, and the Director of the Higher Teacher Training College are responsible, each in his own domain, for the implementation of this circulas which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever need be.

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