ENS Concour into year one of the First Cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College (HTTC) of The University of Bamenda 2019/2020


To launch the Competitive Entrance Examination and to fix the number of places into the year one of the First Cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College (HTTC) of The University of Bamenda in Bambili, for the 2019/2020 academie year.

Mindfulof the Constitution;
Mindful of Law n° 2001/005 of 16th April, 2001 bearing on the orientation of Higher Education; Mindful of Decree n° 2018/190 of 2th March , 2018 to complete certain dispositions of Decree
n02011/408  of December 9th,  2011 to organize the Government;
Mindful of Decree n? 2011/410 of December 9th, 2011 to appoint members of Government; Mindful of Decree n? 2018/191 of 2th March, 2018 to reshuffle the Government;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2019/002 of 04 January 2019 to reshuffle the Government;
Mindful of Decree n? 2012/433 of Ol " April, 2012 to organise the Ministry of Higher Education; Mindful of Decree n? 2010/371 of 14th December, 2010 creating the University of Bamenda. Mindful of Decree n° 2010/372 of 14th December, 2010 upgrading ENSAB into Higher Teachers'
Training College (ENS) & Higher Technical Teachers' Training College (ENSET); Mindful of Decision n? 2011/045 of 8th March, 2011 to organize the University of Bamenda; Mindful ofOrder n° 19-00054/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC of 27th February 2019 fixing the calendar of competitive examinations into Establishments of Cameroon State Universities for the 2019-2020 academie year;
MindfulofCircular no 004/CAB/PM of 10th February 2000 relating to admission into National Training Colleges and recruitment into the Public Service;


Article 1: A Competitive Entrance Examination into year one of the First Cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College of The University of Bamenda in Bambili, for the 2019/2020 academie year is hereby launched to admit students in the following departments and in accordance with the number of places available as shown in Table 1 below:

Article 2:

(1)The Competitive Entrance Examination shall be organised in one sitting to Cameroonians of both sexes following the minimum admission qualifications stipulated below:

  • Holders of GCE A/L, in at least two (02) subjects including the major subject of the department and of GCE/OL in at least four (04) subjects including the major subject of the department and excluding Religious Knowledge;
  • Holders of the Baccalauréat and Probatoire or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education, with a pass in the major subject of the department;
  • Holders of any equivalent diploma recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education.

(2)The department of Bilingual Letters shall be open to holders of GCE A/L French with at least a "C" grade or Baccalauréat A4 with an average of at least 12/20 in English, fulfilling the rest of the conditions stipulated in the present Ministerial Order.

(3)The department of French Modern Letters shall be open to holders of Baccalauréat A4, fulfilling the rest of the conditions stipulated in the present Ministerial Order.

(4)Holders of foreign diplomas/certificates shall be eligible only if they submit either the equivalence or the receipt showing that they have applied for the equivalence of their diplomas or certificates. The order granting equivalence and the receipt are issued by the Ministry of Higher Education. The final admission of such candidates shall be confirmed only on presentation of the text granting them equivalence, within the deadline set by the competent authorities.

(5)Foreign candidates may be authorized to sit for the examination under the same academie conditions depending on the number of places available and in conformity with the regulations in force.

(6)Candidates who are civil servants shan not be eligible to write the competitive entrance examination as external candidates.

(7)Candidates must not be more than 30 years old on pt January 2019.

(8)Candidates who are fraudulently admitted without fulfilling the stipulated conditions of basic certificate, grade or age limit, shan be subject to instant dismissai at any moment without any formaI procedure

(9)Table 2 below shows the subject a candidate must pass in the GCE AIL or the Baccalauréat_to be qualified to register for the Competitive Entrance Examination in a given Department:

'Article 3: The candidate's application file shall comprise the following documents which shall not be withdrawn once the candidate has submitted them to HTTC Bambili:

  • A Registration  Form to be filled online by the candidate  at http://www.httcbambili.net
  • A typed certified true copy of the birth certificate  dated not more than six (06) months;
  • A photocopy  of the candidate's  birth certificate;
  • A certified true copy of GCE OIL certificate (or results slip), or Probatoire certificate (or relevés de notes) dated not more than six (06) months;
  • A certified true copy of GCE AIL certificate (or results slip), or Baccalauréat certificate (or relevés de notes) or any equivalent diploma dated not more than six (06) months;
  • A medical certificate issued by astate medical officer testifying to the candidate' s physical condition and fitness to teach;
  • A certificate of non-conviction dated not more than three (03) months;
  • A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) FCF A as non-refundable examination registration fee issued by NFC BANK S.A.: Account N° 0301730101738719 or MTN Mobile Money (HTTC Bambili MTN MOBILE MONEY Account). No other form of payment shall be accepted!
  • Two passport-size photographs;
  • An attestation of, or a receipt showing application for equivalence for candidates with a foreign certificate.

Article 4: Complete files should be submitted to the HTTC (Admissions Office) Bambili, or designated Centres in each of the ten regional capitals latest Wednesday, 09 October 2019.

Article 5:

(1)The examination shall comprise one written paper and a study of the candidate' s academie profile.

(2)The written paper of four (04) ho urs shall consist of four (04) sections:
a)Section 1 comprising 40 MCQs on the major discipline of the department (40%);
b)Section 2 comprising 20 MCQs on the minor discipline(s) of the department (20%);
c) Section 3 comprising 20 MCQs on General Knowledge and Bilingualism (20%)_
·d) Section 4 comprising one (01) structured essay question on the major discipline of the department (10%).

(3)The study of the candidate's academie profile shall account for 10% of the total assessment and shall take into consideration:
a)The candidate's age;
b)The number of years spent in the Secondary School;
c)The grade obtained in the GCE O/L and A/L, or Probatoire and Baccalauréat.

(4)The syllabuses of the written examination are the same as for the GCE A/L and Baccalauréat,
and the papers/subjects are specified per Department as indicated in Table 3 below:

Article 6: The written examination will take place on Saturday, 12 October 2019 in the following Examination Centres: Bafoussam, Bambili, Bertoua, Buea, Douala, Ebolowa, Garoua, Maroua, Ngaoundéré and Yaoundé.

Article 7: Calculators and cell phones shaH not be authorised in the examination halls. Defaulters shall be immediately expelled from the examination hall.

Article 8: A Jury, specified by the competent authority, shall prepare the list of successful candidates per Department by order of merit and submit it, in strict confidence, to the Minister of Higher Education for publication.

Article 9: Successful candidates shall not, under any circumstance, defer their registration to the following academie year.

Article 10: The Vic-Chancellor of The University of Bamenda, the Director of University Accreditation and Quality and the Director of the Higher Teacher Training College Bambili, each in his/her own sphere, shall be responsible for the implementation ofthis Order which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever and whenever necessary.

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