ENS Concour Into The 1st Year Of The Second Cycle Of The Higher Teachers' Training College (ENS) Of The University Of Maroua, 2019-2020

ORDER No-1900664/MINESUP/ OF July 10th, 2019

To launh the competitive entrance examination into the 1st Year of the Second Cycle of the Higher Teachers' Training College (ENS) of the Universityof Maroua for the 2019-2020 academic year.



Article 1: A competitive written examination for admission into the 1st year of the Second Cycle of the section' for Student-Teachers of Secondary General Education in the Higher Teachers' Training College (ENS) of the University of Maroua is launched, for the 2019-2020 academic year, in the following series:

Article 2: (1) The competitive entrance examination is organized in a single session for Cameroonians of both sexes who fulfill the following conditions:

For the section of Student-Teachers of Secondary General Education
  • Be holder of a Bachelor's degree or Licence corresponding to the series solicited or an equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher education.
  • Be holder of a Bachelor's degree or Licence in the Sciences, Science of Education, Social Sciences, Economics, Legal and Political Sciences or in Letters or an equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education for the Computer Science series - Option: Infirmation and Communication Technology.
  • Be holder of a Bachelor's degree in Computer science or Mathematics or an equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education for the Computer Science Series - Option: Fundamental Computer Science.
  • Be holder of a Bachelor's degree or Licence in Philosophy or an equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education for the Philosophy series.

For the  Guidance Counselling section
  • Be holder of a Bachelor's degree or Licence in Sciences of Education, Social Sciences, Economics, management sciences, Legal and Political Sciences or in Letters or an equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education.

For the section of Student-Teachers for  Teacher Training schools
  • Be holder of a Bachelor's degree or Licence in Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Science of Education, Philosophy or an equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education.
  • Be holder a professional Bachelor's degree (including the basic subjects required in the domains of psychology, sociology, anthropology, or sciences of education).

(2) Foreign candidates may be authorized to sit for the examination under the same academic conditions and based on the number of places available, in conformity with the regulation in force.

(3) Candidates must not be more than 32 years old as from pt January 2019. Age waivers will not be granted.

(4)Civil  servants are not allowed  to apply  as external candidates.

Article 3: Candidates'  files shall comprise the following  documents:
  • For the sections of Student-Teachers of Secondary General Education and the Guidance Counselling:
  • an application form to sit for the examination, obtainable from the Higher Teachers' Training College (ENS), the examination centres and the regional delegations for Secondary Education. It can be also downloaded from the following MINESUPInternet website: http://www.minesup.gov.cm
  • a certified  photocopy of birth  certificate  dated not more than six (6) months ago;
  • results transcripts for levels I, II and III of the Bachelor's degree or Licence signed or certified by the competent school authority;
  • a certified photocopy of the Bachelor's degree or Licence or any other equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education, dated not more than six (6) months ago, or a Success Testimonial signed or certified by the competent school authority.
  • a certificate  of non-conviction  (bulletin   no 3) dated not more than three (3) months ago;
  • a medical certificate issued by a medical doctor of the Administration, testifying that the candidate is physically and medically apt to work as a teacher. Notably that hejshe has no impairment as regards speech, hearing, sight and movement, in conformity with the regulation in force;
  • a receipt showing payment of the sum of twenty thousand (20 000) CFA F as examination fees, issued by BICEC account Number 37344672001-43. No other mode of payment shall be accepted;
  • a large envelop bearing postal stamps respecting current rates, and carrying the exact address of the candidate;
  •  two (2) passport  size  (4x4)  photographs;
  • an authorization from the Minister of Basic Education, Secondary Education or Higher Education, as the case may be, for candidates who are civil servants working in Ministries.
  • For the  section  of Student-Teachers    for  Teacher  Training  Education:
  • an application form to sit for the examination, obtainable from the Higher Teachers' Training College, regional delegations of secondary education and can be downloaded From the following MINESUP Internet website: http://www.minesup.cm
  • a certified photocopy of decision showing integration into the Public Service as civil servant of Primary and Teacher Training Education;
  • an authorization from the Minister of Basic Education, Secondary Education or Higher Education, as the case may be, for candidates who are civil servants working in Ministries.
  • a certified  photocopy  of birth  certificate,  dated  not  more  than  six (6)  months  ago;
  • results  transcripts for levels  I, II and  III  of the  Bachelor's  degree or Licence;
  • a certified photocopy of the Bachelor's degree or Licence or any other equivalent diplomajcertificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education, dated not more than six (6) months ago;
  • a medical certificate issued by a medical doctor of the Administration, testifying that the candidate is physically and medically apt to work as a teacher. Notably that he has no impairment as regards speech, hearing, sight and movement, in conformity with the regulation in force;
  • a certificate   of non-conviction   (bulletin   no  3) dated not more than three  (3) months  ago;
  • a receipt showing payment of twenty thousand (20 000) CFA F as examination fees, issued by BICEC account Number 37344672001-43. No other mode of payment shall be accepted;
  • a  large  envelope  stamped   following   current   rates,   and  bearing  the  exact  address  of  the candidate;
  • two (2) passport  size (4x4)  photographs;

Article 4: Candidates who are holders of foreign diplomas/certificates have to present the decision of equivalence issued by the Minister of Higher Education, or the receipt for a diploma equivalence application.

Article 5: All complete files must be deposited either at the regional delegations of secondary education or at the Higher Teachers' Training College (ENS), Maroua (Admissions Service) latest Friday 30th August 2019.

Article 6:  (1)  The examination papers will comprise  the following:
  • mark for school attendance which will account for 30% in the overall assessment;
  • two written tests  which will account  for 70%  in the overall  assessment;

Article 7: (1)The written examination shall be conducted on Sunday 08th  September 2019 in  the following centers: Bambili, Bertaua, Buea,    Douala, Dschang, Garoua, Maroua, Ngaoundere and Yaounde and shall be organizedas follows:

(2) The  examination programs  are  those  of  the  Bachelor's   degree  or  Licence  of  the corresponding specialty.

(3) Each paper of the written examination shall have a mark range from zero to twenty and is allocated the coefficients indicated above. Any mark below five on twenty shall automatically
eliminatethe candidate

Article 8:  The mark  for school attendance  shallbe allocatedbased on the following criteria:
  • the candidate's  age
  • the number  of years spent in  the Bachelor's  degree  or Licence  cycle;
  • marks obtained in Levels l, II and III of the Bachelor's degree or Licence in the subject specialty, and the number of averages as from 12/20.

Article 9: (1) After due deliberations, the jury shall establish, according to series and in order of merit, the tentative list of candidates for final admission.

(2)The final results will be published by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education.

(3)The candidate's performance in the written examination or in the final admission cannot be carried forward from one academic year to another.

Article 10: Fraudulent admission following failure to enforce the required condition for diploma, grade, age or seniority exposes the candidate concerned to automatic expulsion at any time without any due form and procedure.

Article 11: The composition of the jury cited in articles 9 above shall be established in a special text by the Minister of state, Minister of Higher Education in conformity with the regulation in force.

Article  12:  The examinationfees mentionedin article3 above are non-refundable.

Article 13 : The Rector of the University of Maroua, the Director for University Accreditations and Quality and the Director of the Higher Teachers' Training College (ENS) Maroua are, each in his sphere, charged with the implementation of this order which shall be recorded and published in English and in French wherever need arises.

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