Competitive entrance examination into the first year of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI) of the University of Bamenda 2019/2020 

Paix - Travail  -Patrie
(Peace -  Work  -  Fatherland)




Article 1: A competitive entrance examination is hereby launched [or admission of students into the first year for the award of bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) and subsequently the Professional Master of Engineering (M.Eng) of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute of The University of bamenda for the 2019/2020 academie year in the following programmes:

Article 2: The competitive entrance examination Is opened to Cameroonians of both sexes. Applicants for admission must have the following general requirements (please if awaiting results also see article 4 below):

a)General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level with pass in science subjects (including Mathematics) and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE Advanced Level with pass in at least two science subjects. Religious Studies is not considered. A Pass in Mathematics at GCE Advanced Level is required for candidates without a pass in Mathematics at GCE Ordinary Level.

b)Technical GCE Ordinary Leve! with a pass in Mathematics and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE Advanced Level with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A Pass in Mathematics at Technical GCE Advanced Level is required for candidates without a pass in Mathematics al Technical GCE Ordinary Lever

c)Probatoire C, E), E, Fl, F2, F3, F4, MISE and TIC; with a pass in Mathematics and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with pass in at least two relevant science subjects. A Pass in Mathematics at Baccalaureat is required for candidates without a pass in Mathematics at Probatoire.

d)Any other  certificates  recognized  as equiva!ent  by the Ministry  of Higher  Education

A pass at the GCE Advanced Level or Baccalaureat in the following specialty subjects or series associated to the relevant programme would be an advantage, but this is not eliminatory:

Article 3:  The applicatio file shall comprise the following documents:

•A registration    form duly  filled  by the candidate  to be collected  either  from  the  Office  of the Director of the National Higher Polytechnic lnstitute in Bambili or from Regional Delegations of Secondary Education or downloaded from the website of the University of Bamenda: http://www,uniba-edu,cm or the Ministry of Higher Education:
•A certified  true copy  of  birth  certificate  dated  not  more  than three  (03) months;
•A medical certificate issued by a State Medical Practitioner dated not more than three (03) months;
•A certified true copy of GCE O/L or Probatoire or equivalent diplorna dated not more than three (03) months;
•A certified true copy of GCE A/L or Baccalauréat or equivalent diploma dated not more than three (03) months;
•Certified true copies of Transcripts or GCE O/L or Probatoire and GCE AIL or Baccalauréat.
•A receipt (original copy) upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) FCFA as non-refundable registration fees into the account or NAHPI delivered by UBA Bank using the following bank code 10033, branch code 05204, and account number 0400400009038. No other form of pavment is accepted;
•Four  passport-size photographs;
•One  self-addressed   large  envelop  bearing  a 400 francs  CFA  postal  stamp:

Article 4: Registered candidates who are awaiting the results of certificate cxaminations prescribed in Article 2 shall be admitted, if successful in the competitive entrance examination, only on presentation of the certified true copy of the result slip of their GCE AIL results or the transcript 01 Baccalauréat obtained in 2019 on the day of the written examination at the latest.

Article   5:  Complete   application   files  should  be  submtted   at  the  Office  of the  Director   of  the national   higher  Polytechnic   Institute   in  Bambili   or Regional  Delegations    of Secondary  Education in Barnenda,  Yaounde,  Douala,  Bafoussam,   or Buea  only,  or at the  Ministry  of Higher  Education on or before August 23, 2019. Late or incomplete application files shall be rejected.

Article 6: Only candidates who have submitted complete application files within the deadline will be allowed to write the exams. They are requested to come along with their National Identity Cards, which must be presented to the examination authorities.

Article 7: Candidates for the  entrance examination into the  first  year must  not  be above 25 years  by the 15th of January2020.

Article 8: The examination will take place  on  the  31st   of  August2019 ln the following Centres only: Bafoussam, Bambili, Buea,, Douala, and Yaoundé.

Article 9:  The  competitive entrance examination shall be organized as follows:

Article10:  The assessment of the competitive entrance examination shall be as follows:

•Paper  1:  30/100
•Paper  2:  30/100
•Paper 3:  10/100
•Study  of files:  30/100

Article 11: The study  of files will take  into consideration the following:

a)The  grades  obtained  in GCE  O/L and  GCE  A/L or the averages  obtained   in Probatoire  and Baccalauréat

b)Age of the candidate

c)Duration  of Secondary  School  Studies

d)The  specialty  subjects  passed  at GCE  A/L or Baccalauréat

Article 12:

(1)The syllabus is that of GCE-A/L Lower and Upper Sixth science subjects for candidates of the Anglophone sub-system or Première and Terminale scientific and technical series mentioned "above for candidates of the Francophone sub-systern. Candidates for the Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering will write but O/L Mathematics.

(2)There  will  be no oral  examination.

Article 13: A jury designated by the competent authority shall prepare the list of successful candidates per programme by order of merit and submit it in strict compliance to the Minister of State. Minister of Higher Education for publication.

Article I4: Successful candidates shall report to the National Higher Polytechnic Institute for registration formalities within fifteen (15) days following the date of publication of the final results. Candidates who fail to comply with this requirement as need arise shall be replaced by those on the waiting list following the order of merit, through a press release published by the Minister of State. Minister of Higher Education on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor of The University of Barnenda.

Article 15:- Successful candidates, who obtain a Bachelor of Engineering of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute of The University of Bamenda after four (04) years of successful studies qualify for enrolment into a one year Professional Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) programme if they proceed immediately.

Article 16: The Vice Chancellor of The University of Bamenda, the Director of the national Higher Polytechnic Institute. the Dircctor of University Accreditation and Quality or the Ministry of Higher Education are each in his/her own sphere, responsible for the implementation of this Order which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever necessary.

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