Competitive entrance examination into the Special Science Classes of the Higher Teacher Training College  (ENS), University of Yaounde 1, for the 2019/2020 academic year

Paix - Travail- Patrie
(Peace - Work - fatherland)

To launch the competitive entrance examination into the Special Science Classes of the Higher Teacher Training College  (ENS), University of Yaounde 1, for the 2019/2020 academic year.


Mindfulof the Constitution;
Mindfulof Law N° 2001/005 of 16April 2001 on the orientationHigher Education;
Mindfulof Law N" 2018/190 of 02 March 2018 amend and complete some provisions of decree n° 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 on the
organisation  of the Government  ;
Mindfulof Law N" 2011/410 of 09 December 2011 to appoint members of Government ;
Mindfulof Law N° 2019/02 of 02 January 2019 to reshuffle the Government ;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2012/433 of012012 October to organize the Ministry of Higher Education;
Mindfulof Law N" 2015/398 of 15 September 2015 to appointRectors in some State Universities;
Mindfulof Law N" 2013/0891/PM of 12 March 2013  appoint staff members at the Ministry of Higher  Education;
Mindfulof Decree N°93/026 of19January 1993 creating Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N°93/027 of19January  1993 to definitiveprovisions common to Universities,modifiedan completed by Decreen°
2005/432 of 10 September 2005 ;
Mindfulof Decree N"93/035 of19January 1993 to grant Special Status to the Higher Education Staff  ;
Mindfulof Law N" 2015/398 of 15September  2015 to appointthe Universities Vice Chancellor and Rectors in some State Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N°88/1328  of 28'" September 1988 to organisethe Higher Teacher Training  College;
Mindfulof Law N° 2001/005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientationHigher Education;
Mindfulof Decree N" 2013/342 of 10'"  September 2005 to modify and to complete certain dispositionsof decreeN° 93/027  of 19'" January
Mindful1993 to set up general disposition  for the universities;
of Decree N°93/036 of 29 January 1993 to set up administrative  and academic organisation  in the Universityof Yaounde 1;
Mindfulof Order N" 19/00054/MINESUP/SG/DAUQlSDAC/SEof 27 February 2019 to organize the calendar for competitive  entrance
examinations into Faculties, Schools and Institutions  of Cameroon State Universities  for 2019-2020  academic year ,


Article 1: A competitive entrance examination, based on file study for admission into the Special Science Classes section of the Higher Teacher Training College has been launched for the 2019/2020 academic year,

Article 2 : The number of places open for the competitive entrance examination are as follows:
  • 35 students  for mathematics  series;
  • 35 students for sciences  series,

Article 3 : The competitive entrance examination is open to male and female Cameroonians aged 21 years at most by December 2018 who hold of the following certificates obtained during the 2018/2019 academic year:
  • for mathematics series, the Baccalauréat scientifique ln series C, D, E, or the GCE A/L (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) ;
  • for sciences series, the Baccalauréat in series C, D, F or the GCE A/L (Biology, Physics and Chemistry),

Article  4 : Complete application files shall comprise the following documents:
  • A  registration   form  available  in  ENS,  Regional  Delegations   of  Secondary Education, on MINESUP website or the ENS website
  • A certified photocopy of the birth certificate issued not more than six (6) months ago;
  • GCE O/L or probatoire  certificate  or attestation;
  • GCE O/L  or probatoire  results  slip;
  • GCE A/L or Baccalauréat certificate  or attestation;
  • GCE A/L or Baccalauréat  results  slip;
  • A medical  certificate  (form  provided  by ENS)  
  • A receipt of twenty thousand (20,000) CFA as registration fee issued by BICEC account N° 10001-06865-95647265002-11. No other form of payment IS accepted;
  • An A4 self-addressed  envelope  bearing  a stamp at the rate in  force.

Article 5 : Ail complete application files should be submitted at the Higher Teacher Training College (Administrative Bureau Special Science Classes) latest September 6th , 2019.

Article 6 : The results shall be published by the Minister of State, the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 7 : The examination fee is non  refundable.

Article 8 : The Rector of the University of Yaoundé I, the Director of the Department of University accreditations and qua lit y, and the Director of the Higher Teacher Training College,
each in his/ber own sphere, are responsible for the implementation of this circular which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever necessary.

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