competitive entrance examination for admission of 245 students into the first year of EPA Programme of the Advanced School of Economies and Commerce (ESSEC) of the University of Douala 2019/2020

Paix - Travail - Patrie
Peace - Work - Fatherland

To announce the competitive entrance examination admission into the first year of the Advanced Professional Studies (EPA) Programme of the Advanced School of Economies and Commerce (ESSEC) of the University of Douala, for the 2019/2020 academie year.


MINDFUL OF  the Constitution;
MINDFUL OF Law no 2001/005 of 16 April 2001 on Higher Education Orientation; MINDFUL OF Decree n? 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 to organize the Govemment; MINDFUL OF Decree no 20 Il /410 of 09 December 20 Il to appoint Members of Govemment; MINDFUL OF Decree n? 2019/002 of 04 January 2019 to reshuffle the Government; MINDFUL OF Decree no 93/026 of 19 January1993 to create State Universities;
MINDFUL OFDecree n° 2005/342. of 10 September to amend and complete some provisions of Decree n° 93/027 of 19 January1993 to define provisions common to Universities;
MINDFUL OF Decree n° 93/030 of 19 January1993 to lay down the administrative and academie organization of the University of Douala;
MINDFUL OFDecree n" 93/032  of 19 January1993  to lay down the financial regulations applicable  to Universities;
MINDFUL OF  Decree n° 2012/433 of 01 October 2012  to organize the Ministry of Higher Education;
MINDFUL OFDecree no 2017/318  of27 June 27 to appoint Vice Chancellors an Rectors in sorne State Universities;
MINDFUL OF  Decree n? 2017/319of2017 June to appoint staffmembers in State Universities;
MINDFUL OFDecree n° 2013/089/PM of 12 March 2013 to appoint staff members at the Ministry of Higher Education;
MINDfUL OFDecision nOI9/00054/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC of February 2ih, 2019, fixing the schedule for the competitive entrance examinations into various Schools of State Universities for the 2019/2020 academie year;


Article 1: A competitive entrance examination for admission of Two hundred and forty five (245) students into the first year of the Advanced Professional Studies (EPA) Programme of the Advanced School of Economies and Commerce (ESSEC) of the University of Douala for the 2019/2020 academie year is hereby launched. The training is full-time (day classes). The options and number of places are as follows:

Article 2: The examination is opened to candidates of both sexes, holders of at least a Bachelor Degree or its equivalent.

Article 3: Candidates application files include the following:

  1. A registration form (obtainable at ESSEC, or at the Department of University Accreditation and Quality at the Ministry of Higher Education; also downloadable online at the uri:;
  2. A hand-written application bearing a 1 000 CFA Francs Stamp;
  3. A certified true copy of birth certificate, not older than three (3) months;
  4. A certified true copy of Baccalauréat or GCE AIL;
  5. A certified true copy of the bachelor degree giving right to the examination;
  6. A schooling certificate testifying that the candidate is registered in a third year Bachelor Degree cycle class, for candidates applying under the reserve of sueeeeding in their Bachelor degree;
  7. A medical  certificate,  not older than three (3) months,  issued  bya  state registered  medical  practitioner;
  8. Two (2) recent  passport  size  photographs  of the  candidate;
  9. An authorization to register for the competitive examination issued by the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform, or the competent Administrative Authority, for civil servants and state agents;
  10. The receipt issued uppon payment of twenty Townsend (20.000) CFA Francs on the following account : École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (ESSEC), n° 14004000005, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Cameroon. (NB: the payment should strictly be made under the candidate's name);
  11. An A4 self-addressed   envelope  bearing  a 400 CFA  Francs  postal  Stamp.

Article 4: (1) Once the above file has been constituted, the admission diploma (or the schooling certificate), the certified photocopy of the birth certificate, a passport size photo and the payment receipt must be scanned in color to be deposited onthe online registration platform (www.essec-douala.cmJconcours2019) after having properly filled ail the requested information, no later than 24 July 2019 at midnight.

(2)Only those candidates who will have fulfilled this online registration of their application shall be authorized to sit for the examination. This requirement also applies to foreign CEMAC candidates and ail applicants must note that access to this online registration will no longer be possible after July 24,2019.

(3)The complete hard copy file should be deposited at the admission office of ESSEC or sent to ESSEC postal address (BP: 1931 Douala - Cameroun), no later than Monday, July 29th 2019, trusting the post office starnp.

Article 5: (1)The competition  will take place on Wednesday,July 31, 2019, starting  at 08 am sharp, potentially in the following examination centers: Douala (ESSEC Campus); Yaoundé; Bafoussarn; Garoua; Ngaoundere; Bertoua, Ebolowa; Bamenda; Buea; Maroua. To access the examinations rooms, the national identity card will be required to the candidates.

(2)Applicants from centers that have collected less th an 100 applications may be grouped together in a nearby center. The information relating to this, as weil as the examination location, will be indicated on the ESSEC website, one week at the latest before the examination runs.

Article 6: For Cameroonians and non CEMAC nationality candidates, the competitive entrance exarnination has only one part, a written exarnination representing 100% of the final mark. Subjects will be available in French and English and it is up to candidates to choose any of both languages.

Article 7: The examination comprises the following two (04) papers of equivalent importance:

Article 8: With respect to sorne communitarian agreements, 10% of the places opened to Carneroonians and non CEMAC nationality candidates are granted on title to foreign candidates who are nationals of the CEMAC zone. These places shall be shared among these countries, based on the criterion of merit, in proportion of the number of candidates originating from each of them.

Article 9: The Rector of the University of Douala, the Director of the Department of University Accreditations and Quality, and the Director of ESSEC, shall be responsible, each in his own sphere, for the implementation of this decision which shall be registered and published wherever necessary

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