Competitive Entrance Examination for Admission into the third year of the School of Geology and Mining Engineering (EGEM) of the University of Ngaoundere, for 2019/2020 academic year

Peace - Work - Fatherland

Announcing a Competitive Entrance Examination and fixing the number for Admission into the third year of the School of Geology and Mining Engineering (EGEM) of the University of Ngaoundere, for 2019/2020 academie year.

Mindfulof the Constitution;
Mindfulof Law of n? 005 of 16 April 2001 on the Orientation of Higher Education;
MindfulofDecree n° 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 organizing the Government;
Mindfulof decree N°2011/410 of 09 December 2011  to appoint members of Government;
Mindfulof Decree n? 209/002 of 04 January 2019 reorganizing the Government;
Mindfulof Decree N°2015/434 of 02 October 2015 to reshuffle the Government;
Mindfulof Decree n?2005/142 of 29 April 2005 organizing the Ministry of Higher
of Decree N°2015/398 of 15 September 2015 to appoint Rectors in sorne Stae
of Decree N°2013/0891/PM  of 12 March 2013 to appoint staff members at the
MindfulMinistry of Higher Education;
of Decree N°93/035 of 19 January 1993 creating Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N°93/035 of 19 January to grant Special Status to the Higher Education
of Decree N°2015/398 of 15 September 2015 to appoint the Universities Vice
MindfulChancellor and Rectors;
of Decree n? 93/027 of 19 January 1993 modified and completed by Decree n?
2005/342  of  10  September  2005  laying  down  provisions  common  to  aIl
of Decree n?93/028 of 19 January 1993 laying down the administrative and
Mindfulacademie structures of the University ofNgaoundere;
of Decree n°  93/032  of 19 January  1993 laying down financial regulations
goveming Universities;
Mindfulof Decision  n?19-00054 MINESUP/SGIDAUQ/SDEAC/SE  of 27 February 2019
setting dates for competitive entrance examinations for admission into Faculties
and Schools of State Universities for the 2019/2020 academie year.


Article 1 :The public is hereby informed that:

-Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources;
-Assistant Engineers in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing;
-Bachelors in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry;
-Professional Bachelors in Mining Engineering;
-Bachelor degree in Geology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
orany other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

-A competitive entrance examination for the recruitment of one hundred and fifty (150) students into the third year of the School of Geology and Mining Engineering (EGEM) of the University of Ngaoundere has been launched with at BAMENDA, BAFOUSSAM, DOUALyA, NGAOUNDERE and YAOUNDE.

Available places are as follow:

Article 2 :Candidates should be holder of one of the following diploma :

A. Field of S udies: Mineral Prospecting & Exploration Technologies)(GGM)

a. For admission in Mining Geology speciaIty(GME) :Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Bachelor degree in Geology, Professionai Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

b. For admission in Applied Geophysics specialty (GPA) : Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources , Bachelor in Physics, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Bachelor degree in Geology, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivaient certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education;

c. For admission in Applied Geostatisticsspecialty (GSAIM):Bachelor 111 Mathemaucs, Bachelor degree in Mathematics or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Highcr Education.

d. For admission in Applied Structural Geologyspecialty(GSA) :Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Bachelor degree in Geology, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineeringor any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education;

e. For admission in Applied Geochemistry spccialty (GA) :Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Bachelor in Mineral Chemistry, Bachelor degree in Geology, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate reccgnized by the Ministry of Higher Education;

B. Field of Studies: Mining Engineering & Mineral Processing(GM)

a. For admission in Geotechnics and Mining Engineering specialty (GEM) :Assistant Engineers in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Bachelor

. degree in Geology, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry ofHigher Education.

b. For admission in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing specialty (EMTM): Assistant Engineers in Mineral Processing, Bachelor in Mineral Chemistry, Profession al Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognizcd by the Ministry of Higher Education.

c. For admission in Mine Planning & Design specialty ( PM) : Assistant Engincers in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any ether equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry ofHigher Education.

d. For admission in Material Management & Logistics specialty(GEML): Assistant Engineers in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

C. Field of Studies: Petroleum  and Gas Engineering (PGE)

a. For admission in Reservoir & Production specialty (RP Assistant Engineers in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics Bachelor degree in Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Licence Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry ofHigher Education.

b. For admission in Forage & Production specialty(FP): Assistant Engincers in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics Bachelor degree in Geology, Mathematics, Physics. Licence Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

c. For admission in Innovative Technologies in Petroleum and Gas Exploration specialty(TIEPG): Assistant Engineers in Gcology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics Bachelor degree in Geology, Mathernatics, Physics, Licence Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

D. Field of Studies: Geological Cartography & Geomatics (CGG)

a. For admission in Geomatics in Mineral Exploration specialty (GEM) :Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Bachelor degree in Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Licence Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineeringor any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

E. Field of Studies: Management Corporatc Social Responsability& Sustainable Development (MG-RSE-DD)

a. For admission in QHSE Mines specialty Assistam Engineers in Mining Engineering, Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Bachelor degree in Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

b. For admission in QHSE oil & gas specialty:Assistant Engineers in Mining Engineering, Assistant Engineers in Geology of Mineral and Energy Resources, Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Bachelor degree in Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Professional Bachelor in Mining Engineering or any ether equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Article 3 :The written phase of the Competitive Entrance Examination includes the following subjects for ail specialties:

Article 4: 

(1) Students on awaiting results will be declared admitted on success in the written exams, and presentation of the original certificate obtained in 2019, or presentation of success testimonial at the time of registration.

There will be no oral exams.

(2) Candidates from Central African Economie and Monetary Union (CEMAC) member countries where texts on national treatment of studcnts have been ratificd and who are holders of required qualifications are eligible to writc the entrance examination under the same conditions as their Cameroonian counterparts.

(3) Candidates from other countries including CEMAC member countries who do not write the entrance examination but hold a scholarship from their government or an International Organization may apply for direct admission, which is contingent upon the number of available places and payment oftuition fees according to their status.

Article 5 :The  application file  must  include the following  documents:

1.A hand written  application  bearing a 1000 CFA  francs  stamp;

2.A certified  true photocopy  of the GCE "A"  Level  Certificate,  "Baccalauréat"   (science series) or an equivalent certificate or a certified  copy of results  slip;

3. A  Certificate of non Conviction (bulletinn03)(issued not  more  than 03 months earlier);

4. A certified true photocopy of Birth Certificate (issued not more than 03 months earlier);

5. A medical certificate signed by a Government Medical Practitioner;

6. 04 passport size photographs  (4 x 4);

7.A large (A4-size)  envelope with a 500 CFA francs stamp bearing candidate's  address.

Article 6: The candidates for the competitive entrance into the first year must not be more than twenty nine (29) years old as at January Is1 2019.

Article 7: 

(1) The registration fees for the entrance examination is Twenty Thousand (20000) Francs CFA payable at the ECO BANK bank Account n? 1002926017 01215583101-24 of the School of Geology and Mining Engineering (EGEM), Ngaoundere. The registration fees are not reimbursable. It is destinated to cover charges generated as the result of the organisation of the entrance examination.

(2)Candidates admitted on file study are required to pay their university fees of an amount of one million CFA francs (1 000000) CFA, in accordance with Decree n093/033 of 19 January 1993, laying down provisions of Decree o. 79/186 of 17 May 1979 fixing the rate of payment of university fees.

Article 8: All complete application files must be deposited at MINESUP (Department of University Accreditations and Quality); the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education, the Secretariat of the Rector of the University of Ngaoundere, the Students Records Service of the no later than 1st  September  2019.

Article 8: The written examination will take place on Thursday the 5th September 2019, at 8 am in the centres indicated above.

Article 9: The Rector of the University of Ngaoundere, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality, and the Director of the School of Geology and Mining Engineering of the University of Ngaoundere, are each in their capacity, responsible for the implementation of this decision which shall be registered and published in English and French whcrever need be.

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