Competitive Entrance Examination for admission into COLTECH of The University of Bamenda 2019/2020 academie year

Peace - Work - Fatherland

To launch the competitive entrance examination for the admission of students into the first year of the College of Technology of The University of Barnenda has been launched for the 2019/2020 academic year 

The Minister of State, Minister for Higher Education hereby orders as follows :

Article 1: 

A competitive entrance examination for the admission of students into the first year of the College of Technology of The University of Barnenda has been launched for the 2019/2020 academic year in the following programmes: Agribusiness Technology; Agricultural and Environmental Engineering; Animal Production Technology; Crop Production Technology; Food Science and Technology; Forestry and Wildlife Technology, Electric Power Engineering; Electronics; Computer Networks and Systems Maintenance; and Software Engineering.

Article 2- The examination shall be organized in one sitting for Cameroonians of both sexes as weil as to foreigners resident in Cameroon.

Article 3-  The  qualifications    and  the  number  of places  available   in the  first  year programmes Of the College 0F Technology   (COLTECH)  of The  University   of Barnenda  for the  Academie  year 2019/2020  are as follows

Article 4- The application file shall comprise the following documents:

•A registration form to be completed online at the website of The University of Bamenda:

•A certified  true  copy of birth  certificate  dateed not more  than six (6) months:

•A certified  true copy  of GCE  A Level or Baccalauréat   or equivalent  diploma   dated not more  than  six(6) months;

•A certified  true  copy  of GCE  O/L  or Probatoire  or equivalent diplorna dated not  more than six(6) months:

•A receipt of payment of the Sum of twenty thousand (20,000) FCFA being a non-refundable registration Fee to be paid online through MTN Mobile Money or Orange Money. No other form of payrnent is accepted:

•One self-addressed  starnped  A4 size  envelope;

•Four passport-size  photographs.

Article 5- 

(1) Holders of Foreign diplomas shall submit either the equivalence or the receipt showing that they applied for the equivalence of their diplomas or certificates. The order granting equivalence and the receipt are issued by the Minister of Higher Education.

(2) Thc final admission of these candidates shall be confirmed only on presentation within the date limit set by the competent authorities of the text granting them equivalence.

Article 6- After submitting the online registration form. print a copy  and include in a complete physical file which should be submitted to the directorate of the College of Technology, The University of Bamenda and in all delegations of Secondary Education latest 30th August, 2019.

Article  7 - The examination shall comprise:

a) Study of files  (30% of the  total assessment);

b) Two written  papers  (70%  of the total  assessment).

Article 8 - (1)The examination subjects/papers will be as follows:

Paper  1: 3hrs Coefficient 5

A) Candidates seeking admission into the Agribusiness program (2 subjects): Mathernatics and Economies;

B) Candidates seeking admission into the Agricultural and Environmental Engineering proogram (3 subjects): Mathernatics. Chemistry and Physics or Biology;

C) Candidates seeking admission into the Animal Production Technology, Crop Production Technology, Food Science and Technology as weil as Forcstry and Wildlife Technology programs (3 subjects): Mathernatics, Biology and Chemistry or Physics:

D) Candidates seeking admission into the Electric Power Engineering or Electronics programs (3 subjects): Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry

E) Candidates seeking admission into the Computer Networks and Systems Maintenance or Software Engineering programs (3 subjects): Mathernatics, Computer Science and Physics or Chemistry.

Paper2: 3hrs Coefficient  2 - General 

Knowledge.  English and  French  - ALL  CANDIDATES

This informationis summarized in the following table:

(2)The syllabuses 0f the competitive entrance exarnination are the same as ln the GCE A Level or Baccalaureate programs.

Article 9- 

(1) The written papers will take place on Saturday 14th Septernber, 2019 in the following four (4) Exarnination Centers: The University of Bamenda - Bambili, Buea, Douala and Yaoundé,

(2) A press release published by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Barnenda shall ultimately indicate the rnodalities of the organization of the written examination.

(3) Candidates are requested to come to the examination center at least 30 minutes before the start of each examination paper. They must come along with their national identity card and acceptance slip.

Article 10- The Vice Chancellor of The University of Bamenda, the Dircctor Technology, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality of the Ministry of each in his/her own sphere, are responsible for the implementation of this order which and published in english , and french wherever necessary.

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