Concour: 300 students admission into the first year of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (FAVM) of the University of Buea for the 2019/2020

Peace- Work-Fathcrland

To launch the Competitive Entrance Examination into the first year of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Buea and fixing the number of places offered for the 2019/2020 academie year.


Mindfulof the constitution;
Mindfulof law n" 2001/005of 161h April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education;
Mindfulof Decreen?2018/190of 02 march  2018  to amendandcompletesorne
.'provisionsof Decree  n"  20111408  of 091hDecember20 Iltoorganizethe
Mindfulof Decreen020 1 1/410of  091hDecember20 Iltoappointmembersof
Mindfulof Decree n020 19/002 of 04 January 2019 to re-shuffle the Government;
Mindfulof Decreen" 2012/433of 01 st  April 2012 to organizethe Ministry  of Higher
Mindfulof Decree n" 2005/342 of io" September 2005to modify and completecertain
dispositions  of decree  n"  93/027  of  191hJanuary  1993 to define  common
dispositions applicable to Universities
Mindfulof Decree n092/074of l3lh April1992 to transformthe Buea and Ngaoundere
UniversityCentersinto Universities;
Mindfulof Decree n093/034of 191hJanuary1993 to organize the UniversityofBuea;
Mindfulof Decreen"2017/318of 27'h June 2017 appointing theVice-Chancellorof
Mindfulthe UniversityofBuea;
of Decree n" 2017/320 of 271h June 2017 appointingthe Dean of the Faculty of
MindfulAgricultureand Veterinary Medicine;
of Decree n" 19/0004/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SEof 27 February 2019
fixing  the calendar of the competitive examinations  into the Cameroon State
Universities,  for the 2019/2020 academie year;

On the proposai of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea


Article 1: A Competitive Entrance Examination for the selection of three hundred students for admission into the first year of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (FAVM) of the University of Buea for the 2019/2020 academie year, will take place on the following date and at the centres indicated below:

Date: Thursday, 26 September2019

Centres:Buea,  Bamenda,Doualaand Yaoundé

The  300 places shall be distributed to programmes as follows:

•Agricultural Economies.  40
•Animal Science. 30
•Crop Production.  40
•Forestry and Wildlife.   30
•Food Science  and Technology.  30
•Fisheries.  30
•Plant Health Management.   30
•Soil Science.  30
•Veterinary Medicine.  40

Article 2: The Competitive Entrance Examination cited in article 1 shall be open to male and female Cameroonians and to foreign candidates resident in Cameroon within the limits of available places.

Article 3: Applicants for the competitive entrance examination must be holders of one of the following qualifications:
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level in at least five subjects including English Language, Mathematics; Biology and Chemistry; and General Certificate of Education Advanced Level in at least two subjects which must include Biology and Chemistry;

Baccalaureat D;

Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry ofHigher Education;

Article  4: The complete application file must include the following documents:

1)An application form to be completed online by the applicant. The application form which is found on the University of Buea website: www.ubuea.crn should be completed no later than Wednesday, 19th September 2018. Late or incomplete application files shall be rejected;

2)Certified true copy of the candidate's  birth certificate not Jess than three (3) months oJd;

3)Four (4) recent passport-size photographs (4cm x 4cm);

4)Photocopies  of the relevant academie  certificates indicated in Article 3 above;

Article 5: All documents  mentioned  in Article 4: 2),3)and 4) above should be scanned and

emailed  to the address: favrn.ub@ubuea.crn

Article 6: The examination centres are Buea, Bamenda, Douala and Yaounde. A press release published by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea shall ultimately indicate the modalities of the organization of the written examination.

Article 7: Candidates are requested to come to the examination centres at least 30 minutes before the start of each examination paper. They must come along with their National Identity card

Article 8: The written papers below will account for 60% and study of files 40%. The written examination is based on the High school syllabus and will comprise:

Biology (3 hours)

Chemistry (3 hours)

Article 9: The results of the examination shall be prepared by a panel appointed by the Minister of Higher Education, on the proposai of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea.

Article 10: The list of successful candidates shall be published by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article Il: The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea, the Director of University Accreditation and Quality and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Buea shall be responsible, each in his/her own sphere, for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published wherever need be.

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