Competitive examination for admission into the 1st year of the Division of Initial Training at the University Institute of Technology (UIT) of the University of Douala for the 2019-2020

Paix - Travail  - Patrie
Peace  - Work - Fatherland

To launch the competitive examination for admission into the 1st year (dual training) of the Division of Initial Training at the University Institute of Technology (UIT) of the University of Douala for the 2019-2020 academic year 


Mindful of the Constitution;
Mindful of law° 2001/005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education;
Mindfulof decree N°20 18/190 of 02 March 2018 to amend and complete sorne provisions of decree no 2011/408 of 09 December 20 l l on the organization of the Governrnent;
Mindful of de cree N°20 11/408 of 09 December 20 l l on the organization of the Govemment; Mindful of decree °2019/002 of 04 J anuary 2019 to reshuffle the Government; Mindful of Decree N° 93/026 of 19 January 1993 creating Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2005/342 of 10 September 2005 to amending and complete sorne provisions of decree no 93/027 of 19 December 1993 on the org93/026 of 19 January 1993 laying down common provisions for Universities;
Mindfulof Decree ° 93/030 of 19 January 1993 on the administrative and academie organization of the University of Douala;
Mindful of Decree N° 93/032 of 19 January 1993 laying down the financial regime applicable to Universities;
Mindful of Decree N° 2005/383 of 17 October 2005 laying down the financial rules applicable to Universities ;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2012/433 of 01 October 2012 on the organization of the Ministry of Higher Education;
Mindful of Decree N° 2015/398 of 15 September 2015 to appoint the Universities Vice Chancelor and Rectors;
Mindful  of Decree N° 2012/366 of 06 August 2012 appointing officiais in State Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2013/08911PM of 12 March 2013 appointing officiais in the Ministry of Higher Education;
Mindfulof Order ° 008/CAB/PR of 19 January 1993 creating University Institutes of Technology (IUT) within Universities;
Mindfulof Order N° 009/CAB/PR of 19 January 1993 to organise the University Institute of Technology of the University of Douala;
Mindfulof Order N° 19/00054/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC of 27 February 2019 to organize the calendar of competitive entrance examinations into Faculties, Schools and Institutions of Cameroon State Universities for 2019-2020 academie year;


Article 1 : A competitive entrance examination for the admission of Six hundred and forty five (645) students into the 151 year of Core Courses in lndustrial Technologies (CCIT), Core Courses in Tertiary Technologies (CCTT), Core Courses in Information and Digital Technologies (CCIDT) of the Division of Initial Training of the University Institute  of Technology of the University of Douala, for the 2019/2020 academie year, shall take place on 16 september 2019.

Article 2 : This entrance examinationis opened to Cameroonians and foreigners of both sexes.

Article 3 : The number of available places for this entrance is Six hundred and forty five (645) standing as follows :

Article  4: The complete  applicationfile should comprise  the following documents:

1)A registration form. This form shall be duly completed on line in the Web site of UIT of Douala: and then printed, signed by the candidate and stamped at 1000 FCF A;

2) A certified true photocopy of birth certificate not older than three (03) months; 3) A certified true copy of the required diploma;
4) An attestation  of attendance  for "Terminale" or Upper 6th:

5) A medical certificate not older than three (03) months issued by astate medical practitioner and testifying that the candidate is fit for higher education;

6) Four (04) recent passport  size photographs  of the candidate;

7) A twenty thousand (20 000) CF A francs banking receipt being examination fees to pay at UBA count N° 10033 05214 14004000006 - 90 ;

8) A 21 x 29.7 size self-addressed  envelope bearing a 400 CFA francs postal stamp;

9) The competitive  entrance examination  is open to Cameroonians  and foreigners  ofboth sexes

Article 5 : Application files should be deposited latest on Friday the 07th of September 2019 at the following places:

-The Ministry  of Higher  Education!  Direction  of University  Accreditation  and Quality (DUAQ);

-Admissions  Office of the Douala  University lnstitute  of Technology;

-The  Regional  Delegations  of the Ministry  of Secondary  Educations  of the various  examination

centers listed  in section  8 ;

Application forms can also be downloaded from the websites of the Ministry of Higher Education or of the UIT of Douala

Article 6 : The written examinations will take place on the 16th  of September 2019 in Douala.

Article  7 : The written examinationin each specialty  consists  of the following papers  :

Papers.                      Coef.          Duration
General knowledge.    2.            2hours
Mathematics.                3.            2hours
Speciality  paper.         3.            2hours

The papers are based on the syllabus of "Terminale" and Upper Sixth forms preparing for the certificates indicated in section 3 of this announcement.

Article 8 : The competitive entrance examination for admission into the 1st year of the University lnstitute of Technology (IUT) of the University of Douala for the 2019/2020 academie year will take place in only one centre: Douala.

Article 9 : A press release published by the Rector of the University of Douala shall ultimately indicate the place and the planning of the various papers.

Article 10 : Candidates are requested to come to the examination centre at least 60 minutes before the beginning of the first paper. They must come along with their National Identity cards or any other authentic valid identification document.

Article 11: The successful candidates shall report to UIT for registration formalities within fifteen days following the date of publication of the final results. Candidates, who fail to comply with this requirement, as need arise, shall be replaced by those on the waiting list following the order of merit, through a press release published by the Minister of Higher Education on the recommendation of the Rector of the University of Douala.

Article 12 : The Rector of the University of Douala, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality, and the Director of UIT of Douala, each in his own sphere, are responsible for the  implementation of the present order which shall be registered and published in English and in French wherever necessary.

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