Competitive entrance examination into Level 1 of the Professional School of Wood, Water and Natural Resources (Ebolowa Antenna) of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FASA), of the University of Dschang

Peace - Work - Fatherland

Programme specializing in Agronomy and Forestry (Campus of Dschang and Campus of Bafia) and into Level 1 of the Professional School of Wood, Water and Natural Resources (Ebolowa Antenna) of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FASA), of the University of Dschang, and to fix the number of places available for the 2019/2020 academie year.


Mindfulof the Constitution;
Mindfulof Law N°2001/005of  16April2001on the  orientationof HigherEducation;
Mindfulof DecreeN° 20181190of 02 March  2018to amendand  completesorne  provisionsof
DecreeN°  2011/408of 09  December2011 on the  organizationof the Government;a
Mindfulof DecreeN°20  11/410 of 09 December20 II  to appointmembersof Government;
Mindfulof DecreeN°20  19/002of 04 January2019 to reshufflethe  Government;
Mindfulof Decree  N°93/026of 19January1993creatingUniversities;
Mindfulof Decree N°93/027 of 19 January 1993 modified and completed by Decree N°2005/342 of 10 September 2005 laying down provisions common to ail Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N°93/029 of 19 January 1993 laying down Administrative and Academie Structures of the University of Dschang;
Mindfulof Decree N°93/032 of 19 January 1993 laying down financial regulations governing Universities;
Mindful of Decree N°20 12/433 of 0 1 October 2012 to organize the Ministry of Higher Education; Mindful of Decree N° 2015/398 of 15 September 2015 to appoint Rectors in sorne StateUniversities;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2012/366 of 06 August20 12 appointing Administrative Staff in State Universities;
Mindfulof Decree N° 2013/0891/PM of 12 March 2013 to appoint staffmembers at the Ministry of Higher Education;
Mindfulof OrderNOl9/00054/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEACof 27  February2019fixingthe
calendar of entrance exams for the institutions of Cameroon State Universities and Schools unde academie supervision of MINESUP for the academic year 2019 - 2020,



(1)The public is hereby  informed  that:

Students of baccalaureate of series A, C and D, of upper sixth and GCE-O/L holders in at least four subjects except the subject called « Religious Knowledge »,

holders of the baccalaureate in the above-mentioned series, of the agricultural baccalaureate or of the GCE-A/L,

holders of all certificates equivalent to the baccalaureate or GCE-A/L recognized by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education,
a common competitive entrance examination for the recruitment of one hundred and fifty (150) students into Level 1 of the "Ingénieurs" Programme specializing in Agronomy and Forestry (Dschang Campus), one hundred and twenty five (125) students into the Professional School of Wood, Water and Natural Resources (Ebolowa Antenna) and seventy five (75) students into Level 1 of the "Ingenieurs" Programme specializing in Agronomy and Forestry (Bafia -Campus) of the University of Dschang, for2019/2020 academic year has been launched with centres at Bafia, Douala, Dschang, Ebolowa, Ngaoundere and  Yaounde.

(2)The entrance examination is opened to Cameroonians of both sexes and to citizens of member countries of the Central African Economie and Monetary Union (CEMAC) who have ratified texts on national treatment of students and who are holders of equivalent qualifications are eligible to write the entrance examination under the same conditions as their Cameroonian counterparts.

(3)Candidates from other countries, including CEMAC member countries who do not write the entrance examination but hold a scholarship from their Government or International Organization, may apply for direct admission, which is contingent upon the number of available places and payment of 1.000.000 (One million) FCF A/year as tuition fees.

(4)The  150 places of the Dschang  Campus  shall  be distributed  as follows:

-140 for those who write the entrance  examination;

-10 for direct admission  (file study).

(5)The  125  places of the Ebolowa  Campus  shall  be distributed  as follows:

120 for those who write the entrance  examination;

05 for direct admission(file study).

(6)The 75 places of the Bafia Campus shall be distributed as follows: 70 for those who write the entrance examination;

05 for direct admission  (file study).

Article 2: The written examination consists of four papers, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General knowledge of one (01) hour duration each. The program is that of the students of baccalaureate of series D, of upper sixth, Biology and Chemistry.

Article 3: Students awaiting results will be declared definitively admitted or successful, in the case of success of the entrance examination, only upon presentation of the original of the diploma required or, if applicable, upon presentation of success testimonial at the time of registration. There will be no oral exam.

Registration shall be done online from the University of Dschang Website SICES ONLINE at the address:;

Article  4 : Application files include the following documents:

1.An individual registration form to be completed online, downloaded following the procedure of online registcation from the University of Dschang Website SIGES
ONLINE  at  the  address, The  completed  form
shall be  printed  accompaniéd by a .1 000  francs  CFA  fiscalstamp and  be signed by
the candidate

2.A certified-true photocopy  of birth certificate  not more  than three months old;

3.A Certified-true photocopy of "Baccalaureate" or GCE-A/L certificate or equivalent certificate, or of the success testimonial of any of these certificates as the case maybe;

4.A certified-true photocopies of "Baccalaureate" and "Probatoire" transcripts or certified-true photocopies of GCE-A/L and GCE-O/L results;

5.A medical  certificate  of fitness  not older than  three months issued by astate  medical practitioner testifying that the candidate  is fit for higher education;

6.four(04) recent passport size photographs of  the candidate with names written behind;.

7.A receipt of payment of 20,000 (Twenty thousands) FCF A as application fees issued by BICEC- OSCHANG at the account N°96196538001-56 or by any financial establishment chosen during the online registration process, to be presented during the exam;

8.An A4 size self-addressedenvelope bearing a 400 FCF Apostal stamp with candidate address on it.

Article 5: Candidates for the competitive entrance examination into the first year must not be more than twenty-nine (29) years old at January 1 st 2019.

Article 6 : The registration fees for the entrance examination is 20,000 (twenty thousands) francs CFA payable to the BICEC - Dschang account N° 96196538001-56 or in a financial institution chosen during download of the discharge against receipt (bank receipt should be included in candidate file). The registration fees are not reimbursable. It is destined to cover charges generated as the result of the organization of the entrance examination.

Article 7 : Ali complete applicationfiles must be depositedat the admission's service  of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, main campus of Dschang, or in the Antennas or Annex of the University of Dschang in Bafia, Ebolowa, Yaoundé, Maroua, Belabo or Bambui no later th an 05 August 2019 at the latest at 15h30mn. The files can also be deposited at the Garoua School of Fauna, at the admission's service of the Faculty of Science of the University of Ngaoundere, or at the Regional Delegation of Secondary Education of the Littoral in Douala.

Only candidates, who deposit complete application files, will be authorized to write, after a proof of a national identity card duely presented to the invigilator before entering the examination hall.

Article 8 : The written examination will take place on  Saturday 10th August 2019 at 7:30am  in the centres  indicated  above

Article 9: The Rector of the University of Dschang, the Director of the Department of university accreditations and Quality, and the Dean of Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences are, each in his capacity, responsible for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever need be.

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