Competitive Entrance Examination into the third year of Cycle L (Bachelor of Engineering) of the Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic seince of the University of Douala

Peace - Work - Fatherland

To launch the Competitive Entrance Examination into the third year of Cycle L (Bachelor of Engineering) of the Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic seince of the University of Douala at Yabassi and setting the number of places offered for the 2019/2020 academie year



Article  1:  The public is hereby informed that:

Candidates  who are holdersof the following  diplomas/certificates:

  • University Diploma in Technology (Aquaculture, Environment, Food Industry and Biotechnology, Quality control and processing offisheries products);
  • Post graduate Diploma in animal Biology or natural sciences; 
  • Higher National Diploma in Forestry and Fisheries Sciences; 
  • Higher National Diploma in Animal production;
  • Higher  NationalDiplomain Agriculture;
  • Senior Technician in Water, Forestry and Wildlife; 
  • Professional Bachelor Degree in Water Management; 
  • Professional Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences;
  • Any other diploma related to Fisheries and Aquaculture field accepted by the Ministry of Higher Education as equivalent,

That a competitive entrance examination for the selection of one fifty five (55) students into the third year of cycle L of the lnstitute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences of the University of Douala at Yabassi for the 2019/2020 academie year is hereby launched in the DOUALA, DSCHANG, y ABASSI, NGAOUNDÉRÉ and YAOUNDÉ Centers,

The number of places is distributed  as follows:

Aquaculture, ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 places
Aquatic Ecosystems Management. ..........................10 places
Oceanography and Limnology. . . . . . .. .10 places
Fisheries  Management........................ 10 places 
Processing  and quality Control of fisheries and aquatic products.............. 15 places 

Four (04) places in each option shall be reserved for civil servants and foreign  candidates.

Article  2: The Competitive  Entrance  Examination  comprises  a study of files and written papers.

The study of files (coefficient 1) consists in the candidate' s results of level 1 and 2 of cycle L The written examination comprises:

-two hours general knowledge  paper (coefficient  1);

-two hours aptitude test paper (coefficient  1);

-two hours speciality paper (coefficient  2);

The examination  syllabus is that of cycle L

Article 3: The application  files should include the following documents:

a)All registered candidates in Higher Education Institutions and civil servants of Cameroonian Nationality
-a duly stamped hand-written  application;
-an identification form to be collected at the ISH laisons office, situated at the former Dean office of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (Douala); at the student's affair office of the ISH (Yabassi), F ASA (Dschang), School of Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (N gaoundéré), CRESA Forêt-Bois (Yaoundé), Ministry of Higher Education door 9270r from the website:;
-certified true copy of birth certificate  not older th an three months;
-certified true copy of Baccalauréat or GCE-AL  certificate;
-certified true copy of transcripts  of the entry diploma/certificate;
-five passport size photographs  (4x4);
-a medical certificate delivered by astate practitioner testifying that the candidate is physically fit for university studies;
-a receipt of payment  of the sum of 20,  000 (twenty  thousand)  FCF A for the registration fees.
-Two A4 size self-addressed  envelopes  bearing a 400 CF A F postal stamp.

b)For candidates of foreign  nationalities

Apart from the documents required on alinea a, they can be exceptionally admitted after study of their file.

Article 4: Registration fees to the competitive entrance examination is the sum of 20, 000 CFA francs to be paid into the account nnumber 10033 05214 140160 00004-94 at UBA of the Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences of the University of Douala at Yabassi. The registration fees are not reimbursable. It is destined to cover charges generated as the result of the organization of the entrance examination.

Article 5: Candidates for the competitive entrance examination into the fourth year should not be more than thirty five (35) years old on 1 SI January of the current year.

Article 6: For all candidates, complete application files must reach the admissions office on or before the lOrd of September 2019 at the following addresses:

-Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at Yabassi  (Academie  office);
-Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences of the University of Douala liaison office, situated at the former Dean office of FGI (Douala) or send to the e-mail or

Only candidates who have submitted a complete application file shall be authorised for the examination. They should therefore bring along their national identity cards.

Registrationcan also be done online at the

Article  7: The examinationwill  take  place  on the  11 th  of September2019, at 8 the following Centres: Douala (University of Douala), Yabassi (Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences), Dschang (Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences), Ngaoundéré (School of Sciences and Veterinary Medicine), Yaoundé (CRESA Forêt-Bois).

Article 8: The Rector of the University of Douala, the Director of the Department of University accreditation and Quality and the Director of the Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, each in their capacity, are responsible for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever need be.

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