Concours PWTC of Akonolinga CMTP 2019-2020 ENSTP : Assistant Technicians

Peace — Work – Fatherland

Concours CMTP de Garoua de ENSTP 2019-2020: des Adjoints Techniques Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics 

No 200 C/MINTP /SG/ENSTP/SC  12 february 2019

Concours PWTC of Akonolinga CMTP 2019-2020 ENSTP : Assistant Technicians.

The Minister for Public Works informs the general public that the 2019 Competitive — Entrance Examination with selection after study of records, for training into the Public Works Trades Center (PWTC) of Akonolinga of the National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW), has been launched in the cycle of Assistant Technicians as follows :

Bricklaying (50 places),Plumbing (50 places), Tiling (50 places), Painting (50 places), Electricity (50 places), Road maintenance by the High Intensive Labour Method (50 places).

The competitive entrance examination is open to holders of Certificat d’Etudes Primaires (CEP) or First School Leaving Certificate (PSLC) or any other recognized equivalent certificate, aged not less than seventeen (17) years on 1st January 2019

Required documents

The closing date for handing in complete documents is 15 March 2019. They should be submitted at any of the following centres :

NASPW Yaounde or NASPW Buea Annex.

Public Works Trades Center (PWTC) Garoua or Public Works Trades Center (PWTC) Akonolinga.

Regional Delegations of Public Works.

The documents include :
  • Registration form to be collected from any of the examination centres on which the option of your choice should be indicated 
N.B: Candidates shall choose at most two options in order of preference.
  • Certified true copy of Birth Certificate of not more than three months old
  • Certificate of non-conviction (B3) of not more than three months old.
  • Certified true copy of Certificate required.
  • Medical certificate of fitness.
  • A receipt bearing the candidate’s name. attesting the payment in the NASPW Yaounde account No 13568063000-93 at Le Pare Branch of BICEC in Yaounde of the sum of CFA F 25 000 being the examination fee. Candidates outside Yaounde may pay their fee at any BICEC branch, but the transfer charges shall be at their expense.
  • A sponsorship letter on the model to be taken either at the examination centre; or at the NASPW Buea Annex, the Public Works Trade Centres or at Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Public Works (1). 
  • A passport-sized photo to be stapled to the application form
  • An authorization to sit the examination issued by the user Ministry (for state employees).
NB: No cash payment should be made at the Examination Centre.


6 months.

TUITION FEE (2019/2020)

The Tuition fee shall be worth :

150 000 CFAF for Cameroonians and

450 000 CFAF for foreigners.

NB: Information is available on the Website of the school :

Good Luck

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