Competition Exams 2016-2017: ENSPT Yaounde and RTCPT Buea first year posts and telecommunications in Buea.

Republic of Cameroon
Peace - work - homeland
Ministry for Posts
And Telecommunications -
DECISION No. 1200 / competition RTCPT ENSPT Buea 2016-17 /MPT/ENSPT/. Jul 12, 2016

Competition RTCPT ENSPT Buea 2016-17. On the opening of the competitions of entry into first year at the regional training center of Posts and Telecommunications of Buea (ENSPT RTCPT Buea) to the title of the academic year 2016/2017. .
The Minister of Posts and TELECOMMUNICATONS
In view of the Constitution.
Given the Decree No. 92/050 of 24 March 1992 relating to the status of the Ecoie superior national posts and telecommunications.
Given the Decree No. 2011/408 of 09 December 2011, concerning the organization of the government.
Given the Decree No. 2011/409 of 09 December 2OH, concerning the appointment of a Prime Minister, .
Given the Decree No. 2012/512 of 12 November 20/2, concerning the organization of the Ministry for Posts
And the distance eonmzunieations.
Given the Decree No. 2011/410 of 09 December 2011, portantformation of the government.
Article 1:
It will be open in all heads-places of the region below: Bafoussam, Buéa, Douala, Garoua, Ngaoundéré, Bamenda, Bertoua, Maroua, Ebolowa and Yaoundé on 24 and 25 August 2016, of the Competitions for the recruitment of agents to farms of the P&T and technical officers of Telecommunications of the Regional Training Center for Posts and Telecommunications (FPTRPC) of Buea. .
Article 2:
General Conditions of candidature:
1- cycle of technical agents of telecommunications.

  • Be male or female and 16 years of age to at least the 1 January 2016.
  • Be the holder of the Scientific probationary., technological, or of the General Certificate of Education " ordinary level at least in 04 papers more 01 advanced level.
2- cycle of agents of exploitation.
  • Be male or female and 16 years of age to at least the 1 January 2016.
  • Be the holder of the Prolmtoire or the General Certificate of Education " ordinary level at least 4 papers more 01 advanced level ".
Article 3:
Number of places working days
Fptrpc of Buea
  • Technical Agents of Telecommunications (ATT): 40 seats.
  • Agents of exploitation (AEX): 40 seats.
Article 4:
Composition of the Candidature File
The candidature files which will be receipts complete Has the National High School of Posts and Telecommunications of Yaoundé, at the Regional Center for Training of Posts and Telecommunications of Buea and in all the regional delegations of Posts and Teleeommunieations other than those of the Center and the south-west until August 19, 2016 Period of rigor, will include the following parts: .
  1. A nomination paper to remove in all the regional delegations of the position and Télécommications other than those of the center 1 of south west. at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure of Posts and Telecommunications of Yaoundé or to the Regional Training Center of Posts and Telecommunications of Buea or in the web site of the 'Ecole ( Or .
  2. A receipt of payment from any center of postal checks (CPC) or post office, account no. 150657330-19, a sum of 15,000 F CFA to the benefit of the accounting officer of theENSPT'.
  3. A certified copy of the 'act of birth dating of less than 03 months.
  4. A certified copy of the diploma required or the attestation of success.
  5. An attestation of schooling for the canididats having introduced the examinations for obtaining the diploma required.
  6. A medical certificate issued by a public health doctor certifying that the candidate is fit to work in the field of Posts and Téléeommunieations.
  7. Four (04) Photos 4×4; .
  8. A photocopy certified confbrme of the national map of 'identity.
  9. An envelope (format A4) stamped has 350F CFA(postage stamp) has the address of the candidate.
Article 5:
The programs of the contest are respectively:
  • For the cycle of the Technical Agents of Telecommunications
    The official programs of classes of first of scientific series.
  • For the cycle of agents of exploitation (level 1ere A4)
    The official programs of classes of first literary.
Article 6:
Nature of the tests and conduct of competitions
Cycle of Technical Agents of Telecommunications
Nature of the tests
DurationCoefficientNote eliminatory /20
Physical - Chemistry - Technology (PCT).3h35
Cycle of agents of exploitation of P&T

Nature of the tests
DurationCoefficientNote eliminatory /20
General culture3h35
Article 7:
Competitions ENSPT RTCPT Buea 2016-17.
The schedule for the conduct of the competition is as follows:
AEX24Th August 20168h - 11hGeneral culture.
AEX24Th August 201612h - 15hMathematics
AEX24Th August 201615h30 - 17h30Languages.
ATT25Th August 2016.8h - 11hMathematics
ATT25Th August 201612h - 15hPhysical - Chemistry - Technology (PCT).
ATT25Th August 201615h30 - 17h30Languages.

Article 8:
The candidates admitted to the different cycles of training will be liable for payment of the following expenses per year:
For Candidates of Cameroon

Registration fee: 10.000 F CFA
Costs of sporting and cultural activities: 10.000 F CFA
Costs of insurance: 5.000 F CFA
Tuition Fees Competition RTCPT ENSPT Buea 2016-17.
Agents of Exploitation: 200.000 F CFA
Technical Agents of Telecommunications:200.000 F CFA

For the foreign candidates
Registration fee: 10.000 F CFA
Costs of sporting and cultural activities: 10.000 F CFA
Costs of insurance: 5.000 F CFA
Tuition Fees
Agents of exploitation of P&T: 400.000 F CFA
Technical Agents of Telecommunications:400.000 F CFA
Articles 9:
In no case, registration fees to the competitions will not be refundable.
Article 10:
Only the candidates presenting a complete folder and regulatory will be allowed to compete.
Article 11:
The final results of the competition will be published by a press release of the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications.
Article 12:
The candidates of the foreign countries will undergo special tests organized by the Director of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure of Posts and Telecommunications.
Article 13:
The candidates of public and parapublic organizations fulfilling the conditions of application and presented by their agencies can make an act of candidacy. .
Article 14:
The Director of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure of Posts and Telecommunications is responsible for the application of this decision which will be saved. published and communicated everywhere need will be.

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